Ridiculously Giant Statues and Things


The picture of the giant Amish guy in the food thread got me thinking about all those ridiculously oversized cowboys and sea captains you often see at used car lots.   We stumbled across this giant bird outside an indoor flea market in Centralia, Washington two weeks ago:

Giant Yardbird.jpg

This one is my favorite.  Found it just north of Mt. St. Helens (next to a cabin sunk into the ground in ash up to its roof top) and celebrates some of the local fauna:Giant Bigfoot.jpg

What do you all got?


Trees of Mystery: Klamath, CA (101 north of Arcata)
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox!

Co-stars of Pee Wee's Big Adventure, these dinosaurs are right off the 10 on the way from LA to Palm Springs.





Check out this place, I've been there, for whatever the fuck that's worth!!!!



They guy is a retired lawyer or something that needed a hobby..............

I Think This Is Fucking Awesome!!!!!!!!!!! 

And Thanks 05 for the Randy's Donuts pic, been there too, and my name IS Randy!!!!!

Cool thread So far thx Ken. ( gettin thru a monday......)



In China