Respect for Senator Graham


I don't agree with him on anything, but he has shown a moral compass throughout this whole mess lacking in almost every other Republican. 

“I don’t know why they would pick somebody for him to meet with who didn’t have any information about the Clinton campaign, but on its face, this is very problematic,” he said. “We cannot allow foreign governments to reach out to anybody’s campaign and say, ‘We’d like to help you.’ That is a nonstarter.”

Strange days indeed when progressives are depending on Linday Graham & John McCain to save the day .....

^ agreed, but why did McCain go after Comey so hard re: "even handedness" in his prior treatment of Hillary?

^^^ Because he was having a senior moment at that hearing......

Yeah, heard his explanation re: staying up too late watching the Diamondbacks, but not sure I accept the senior moment hypothesis.  Hopefully, he and Graham are able to put politics aside and stake out higher ground, for the good of the country (and the world).

whenever i start feeling respect for some of these guys, i go watch vids of them during the iraq war or rallying against gay marriage, and i am once again filled with that oh-so-framiliar and comforting searing hatred for anyone who does not 100% share my views.

Did he clutch is pearls when he said that?


Mah stars!

I do not particularly care for him but I take my hat off to his sometimes great one-liners. One I remember during the elections when there was sixteen or seventeen dysfunctional  Repubs  running, he said" I'm losing to these clowns?"

Yeah. He should be on AM Charleston! or something.