Republicans Will Kill People To Gain Election Advantage


Wisconsin Election Back On For Tuesday In The Middle Of Coronavirus Pandemic

The state’s high court blocked Gov. Tony Evers (D) executive order calling for a postponement of in-person voting until June — a win for Republicans in the state who have fought any Election Day changes to account for the coronavirus pandemic.

The 4-2 decision, with conservative justices in favor and liberal justices dissenting, came 14 hours before polls are set to open in Wisconsin.

On Friday, the Milwaukee Election Commission announced the city was consolidating its usual 180 polling stations to just five, potentially increasing the risk of overcrowded public spaces. A week ago, 60% of all Wisconsin towns and cities were reporting staffing shortages.

No surprise here. They do it cuz they can. Must stay in power. Power easily trumps public health. 

What's surprising is how they ever got elected in the first place. This party should be extinct by now.

Gee America's dumb all over

Unfortunately, I believe it's in their state constitution that they would hold these elections in April. It's not just for the presidential race, municipal also. At least that's how I understood it. 

Not sure, but I think the deal is they would've had to amend the state constitution to legally change this. A democratic governor with a republican state house? Not happening quickly 

The judges just upheld the state constitution as written. Not sure they could legally suspend it due to the pandemic. Somewhat distasteful and unfortunate, but abiding by law. 

Kinda like the Bundy decision in Nevada a few years ago. Too bad those clowns were the beneficiaries, but the judge was right in protecting citizen's rights against federal prosecutors behaving badly. 

Amerika - Ya can't make our shit up. Ruthy baby had some choice words about it.

Supreme Court decision to allow Wisconsin vote during pandemic 'boggles the mind,' Ginsburg says - CNNPolitics

And Ruth is a helluva lot smarter than I, that's for sure. And more educated about the issues involved. 

It could of been easily postponed in a special session of the legislature that the Governor called, but that session was closed the minute it was opened by the Republican majority.

From what I understand, the Democrat governor did wait til the last minute to address this too.

Pretty much everything said above is true and the situation is clearly less than ideal. I have some solid history with WI and my brother and other family still live there as well. Former Governor Scott Walker (R) left a lotta smoking craters and took the formerly great state back at least 100 years with really shitty policies and govt that seriously sold itself off to the highest bidders. It is not referred to as a Coch Industries affiliate for no reason and still (obviously) has some devotees left in govt & courts. It'll be a rough ride for Avers but maybe the voters can bring some realistic sanity back to America's Jerryland, er Dairyland. Brats, Cheese, and Beer for all!!

Democrats are just as much to blame. They are the ones who are in the middle of the primary. 

The DNC did nothing. They could have lobbied to postpone the primary and didn't.

Oh, Jesus Christ. Timpane found another politics thread. Joy.  Can Pheat be far behind?

Yeah, the DNC could have lobbied the republican legislature and been successful? 

"and took the formerly great state back at least 100 years with really shitty policies"

Nothing over the top here, no-sir-ee.

If you folks want to be taken seriously, try acting the part.

So a minimum of searching reveals that the real reason that the Governor's order was overturned was that he does not have the power to unilaterally make that decision, something even he conceded....

"Evers himself had questioned whether he had the power to reschedule the election"

But what's a technicality like the law mean when you have a chance to bash the opposition? 

The law is only useful to the left insofar as it furthers their agenda.  Otherwise, it's a tool of white supremacy and far right extremists in their undying quest to retain power.

Whatever Thom. I do not know you or care to ever go there but based on what I have seen from you across this board I'll just start and end by saying Fuck You.

....but, in closing, you have conveniently skimmed over this part too: "...and govt that seriously sold itself off to the highest bidders. It is not referred to as a Coch Industries affiliate for no reason and still (obviously) has some devotees left in govt & courts." No big deal and typical right-wing hypocracy and tunnel vision to the knee-jerk stuff that excites tools like you. Latorz.

On the other hand, Joe Biden supports the decision.

So you have that going for you.

why hasn't the DNc postponed the Primary? 

Anytime you have an answer for that question let me know slick rock.

We are talking about being responsible and treating this as a pandemic but the DNC has not done that at all when they could shut down the primary today if they wanted to.

To call thommy and tinpan ignorant dense or stupid would be a gross understatement not to mention a cruel injustice to everyday run of the mill idiotic dumbfucks.

Aren't state primaries under the purview of the state parties, not the national?

Yes, Brian K you are correct, but if the DNC cut their funding to any states for anything to do with the primary or candidates then I doubt many states would continue with elections. Wisconsin Peimary was rigged years ago. For today so it's hard for them to stop that now. The governor tried to stop it at the very last second knowing that it would be stopped. He could have canceled two weeks ago. Why at the last second? You can almost look at this as a bipartisan effort. Governor set it up to be blocked pretty well. Teamwork

It's not just a primary.  There are local and state offices up for grabs. 

Part of Walker's exit legacy was working with GOP-ruled legislature in a last-ditch effort to strip the incoming governor of many long-existing powers, copying North Carolina's similar BS maneuvers.

It is strange that both sides have taken differing back and forth positions (to move/cancel or not) on this over the last couple of months and the state's constitution (I think) says that April 7 (or first Tuesday in April?) is THE election so many county, city, municipal elections/posts would have hung in the balance. No easy solution or outcome but apparently the legislature voted remotely (if this was even an option for them before yesterday?) in the current crisis to force people to NOT vote remotely with extended vote-by-mail deadlines, etc. I will say that I do not recall ever seeing such swift action all the way to the SCOTUS in less than half of a day.  

Thom, please read some of the contributions above before you start ripping folks for not mentioning something.

And Timpane, if you weren't blaming the DNC for everything wrong in this f'in world, we'd have to check for a pulse.   

Did Thom ever speak up after Charlottesville? Or when the leaders he supports locks up children in prison camps? No, because he's down with it. 

Dems and Republicans worked together to make the Wisconsin primary happen. It's hard to cancel an election that was set up to be rigged three years ago ya know

Republican's kill American's all the time since being rich & avoiding taxes will take you farther in this society. From deny them food, healthcare, voting rights & abortions. Just to name few.

They risk thousands of peoples lives and they still lost. Your 2020 Republican party, just a bunch of psychopathic losers. 

Wisconsin Republicans took the unconscionable step of forcing an in-person election during a deadly pandemic last week because they were sure a low turnout election would ensure victory for the conservative candidate in a state Supreme Court race. But in a stunning development, the conservative lost. Jill Karofsky, the liberal candidate in a technically non-partisan race, is the winner.

Stare down a mo f'n pandemic - that's how bad america wants to turn this tide

