Report: Grand Jury In Russia Probe!


Special Counsel Robert Mueller Reportedly Assembles Grand Jury, Ramping Up Russia Probe

It signifies an aggressive and prolonged investigation.

By Marina Fang

Except when it involves a cop who killed an unarmed black guy, grand juries almost always vote for indictment.  As former New York state Chief Judge Sol Wachtler famously remarked, a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” 

This is good news.

>>> ...a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” 


they just might.

>>>>prolonged investigation


Any guess as to how much longer it will take? Time is money. 

I watch PBS Newshour 

Life of a federal grand jury = 18 months & can be extended or reissued.

Prosecutors usually get indictments because the defense is not allowed in the room. Defense attorneys must stay out in the hall & never interact with the jury. All the jury hears comes from the prosecutor. 

Witnesses are subpoenaed & are basically forced to testify because they will be given "Use Immunity" which means that they can not take "The 5th" because they will not be incriminating themselves but they can still be charged for offenses not discussed in testimony.

Failure to testify after receiving "Use Immunity" is Contempt of Court & the subject will be imprisoned for the remaining life of the Grand Jury. After that if another Grand Jury is convened the witness can again be subpoenaed & again given "Use Immunity" & if again found in Contempt of Court will again be imprisoned for the life of the Grand Jury.

& so on.

This represents indeterminate sentencing.

>>> ...a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” <<

But when the subject lies, obfuscates, and ultimately admits to the douchery in evidence, the Grand Jury might indict a shi*t sandwich.

Or three.

I have served on a Grand Jury. I would do it again.

Dude on TV said " Rarely do Grande Juries decline to Indite"

Drumpf is Chum '17

North Korea is now on red alert.
