Rename 5th Avenue


There is a petition at to rename 5th avenue between 57th and 56th street to President Obama Avenue. It would then make Trump Tower's address 757 Pres. Obama Ave

Please go and sign it, I tried to copy the link but it copied to mt clipboard and I have no idea how to get it here from there


No Thom you can't make it Ronald Reagan Avenue

I'd vote for Donnydouche Lane.


NYC should fast-track that shit.

You should see Trump Tower at night.  It looks like there are six tenants.  Probably more cops outside than tenants/customers i/s.

Not that i give it a shit either way, but is this really a productive use of resources and time? it's childish and stoops to Trump's level

don't be like Trump

Should we rename the border detention facilities The Barrack Obama Concentration Cages?

Screen Shot 2019-08-18 at 8.53.57 AM.png

Those should be named for Stephen Miller.


How are those tax cuts and trade tariffs working out for you? Not the country , you? You are voting against your bottom line

TRUE, check

I don't support either one of those things. What else ya got? 

And what is renaming 5th Ave where Trump Tower is gonna do about his policies?  Maybe i can suggest there's a better and more productive use of your time

First off for me the petition signing is a joke and just a way to annoy Trump. It will never happen. Second you don't support the tax break or tariffs, two of the major aspects of the campaign. So what did he say that made you vote for him? I'll go out on a limb and assume you aren't Native American, so your family came here from somewhere. Immigration is ok for you but not for those who follow? As for better use of my time, maybe Trump can find better use of his time instead of trying to buy Greenland

I stopped voting for presidents in 2008, after i voted for Obama and realized how played we were. Sounds like you're still being played though.

I abhor government, and am an anarchist at heart.

>>>but is this really a productive use of resources and time?

>>>>what is renaming 5th Ave where Trump Tower is gonna do about his policies? Maybe i can suggest there's a better and more productive use of your time

Geez Lassen, how long could it take to sign a petition? I don't see a lot of time and resources wasted. Lighten up, bro.

If NYC wants to pay to change a few street signs, so be it. This started as a joke but has now caught fire. I'll chip in on the costs.

Frankly, I'm all for it. What an ingeniously humorous way to mock the most reprehensible creature to ever occupy the White House.

As far as changing policies, I'm sure no one expects that. The fuhrer listens to no one; not military leaders, intelligence officials, nor his advisors in the cabinet.

Won't change a thing, but will piss him off royal. Do it! 

>>> Maybe i can suggest there's a better and more productive use of your time

You are correct. Lots of non-profits and community organizations to volunteer for to more effectively counter his policies. 

<Geez Lassen, how long could it take to sign a petition? I don't see a lot of time and resources wasted. Lighten up, bro.>

i'm light as a feather bro. :)

Like i said, i don;t give a shit either way, but if there's people that seriously want this to happen, i think thy'rer juveniles. That's my final word on the subject..

Enjoy your Sunday!

Chick Corea and Return to Forever: Light as a Feather