The real flag of nazis and confederates


they share the same loser flag:


Shouldn't there be a streak of yellow in there somewhere?

maybe i'm not paying enough attention here, they need to surrender? they did surrender. truce. what am i missing? or is this sarcasm that doesnt play well in my brain.

also, when antifa faces off with nazis, why is it only one side has an aversion to being videotaped standing up for what they believe in? 


If you want to imply that they are cowards, use the right symbol...


the confederates and the nazis surrendered.

When you surrender, you wave a white flag.

It really isn't that complicated.

They haven't surrendered.  More to come...


Alt-right leader Richard Spencer told reporters from his "office" on Monday that he doesn't think President Donald Trump condemned his movement when he denounced neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, and white supremacists.

"His statement today was more kumbaya nonsense," said Spencer, who attended and was slated to speak at the white nationalist "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday. "Only a dumb person would take those lines seriously."


Is Boston still on?

^Last word heard, yes



Looks like some folks are pregaming


Holocaust Memorial in Boston vandalized


A 17-year-old has been charged with willful and malicious destruction of property for allegedly vandalizing the Holocaust Memorial in Boston Monday, according to the Boston Police Department.


Yellow Russian whore pee stripe 

I love that bystanders acted to detain this criminal in Boston

What's next in the presidential shit show?

^Hard to predict given Trump's ignorance, incompetence, and malice

Don't forget mental illness.

>>What's next in the presidential shit show?

every day is a new episode...

Trump:  Racism is bad and I am seriously considering pardoning Joe Arpaio.


Don't give this piece of shit the defense of mental illness. He has always been a bigoted scumbag it's who he is.

^they aren't participation trophies they're Jim Crow era reminders of who was still in charge.

The monuments, street and school names, and other symbols of the Confederacy all over the South go back to a belief system created after the war called "The Lost Cause."    After the war, the South was completely devastated economically, psychologically, and socially, with its cities and farmlands in ruins and a huge portion of its population dead or maimed.   At the same time, the South and North needed to be reunited.   Treating the Southerners as losers would not help bring them back in the fold.   Grant and Lincoln knew this, and as a result, the Southerners were allowed to create the mythology of the "Lost Cause" that helped them swallow defeat and maintain a sense of dignity and pride that ultimately facilitated a reunification of the nation.  This is also the reason no Confederates were ever convicted of treason and were given very generous and honorable terms of surrender:

Of course, and as noted above, critics of the Lost Cause have rightfully pointed out that the mythology also fostered a climate that helped maintain Jim Crow and generated such descpicable works of fiction such as the blockbuster movie "A Birth of a Nation" that glamorized the Ku Klux Klan and presented some of the most awful depictions of black people in the history of Hollywood.

Klu Klux President is dog whistling.


What we know about the ‘free speech’ rally planned this weekend on Boston Common

Is it really happening or not?

It's not a dog whistle when everyone can hear it.

It's going to back fire. 

"Trump is KKKomplicit."

Sign held by a beautiful woman @ 52nd/6th last night, pre-protest.

Boston gonna fuck some Nazis UP