the power of groupthink


Each presidential-election year the ANES asks voters to place themselves on a spectrum with “many more services” on the left to “reduce spending a lot” on the right, and then to place the two main political parties somewhere on that spectrum. About 15% decline, or say they have not thought about it. The same number, more or less, will place themselves but cannot place the parties, meaning that 30% of the electorate does not have a good sense of where Republicans and Democrats stand on the most fundamental question about the role of the state.

Of those who do answer, quite a few have a weak grasp of the parties’ governing philosophies. After the election, defeated Democrats spent some time fretting over the 80,000 votes they lost in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, handing Mr Trump a win in the electoral college. They wondered whether the FBI’s late intervention on Mrs Clinton’s e-mails swung the election. But a far larger number of voters did not really know what either party stood for. The ANES also asks voters whether the Republicans or Democrats are more conservative, and found that some 15% of Trump voters thought the Democrats were the more conservative party (as did 6% of Clinton voters). Add in the don’t knows, and 16% of Clinton voters and 24% of Trump voters were not sure which party was more conservative.


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'merica is right.

46% of people don't even vote, and 20% if the ones who do don't know what the fuck they are voting for.

On the upside, other than signing executive orders to overturn Obama's executive orders, and generally being a PR nightmare, Trump hasn't done that much so far.

I'm trying to be a half full guy here.

half the country can't find the country on a world map

So how does all this political nonsense educate the Rock Music people about the Evolution of the Rolling Stones USA tour PA system between 1969 and 1972 ??

Because there are still many people here (7-8) who are more interested in Rock 'n Roll,  compared to bumblefuck politicians.

We can just get that all over, now.  There was Kennedy,  then LBJ, then Nixon, then Ford, then Carter, then Reagan.  

During that time, the Rolling Stones got better and better at Sound Reinforcement.

Thoughts ??  How about when the Grateful Dead loaned them some Fender Twin Amps, that time ?


>> Thoughts ?

You first. I'll wait.