Podcasts - Brown v. Brd of Ed


i listen to lots of hours of podcast at work and in transit. different items in various podcast send me down rabbit holes i enjoy.

most recent and unforeseen rabbit hole is from Malcolm Gladwell's latest's Revisionist History piece on Brown v Board of Education

follow it up with a read of the actual ruling, https://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=false&doc=87&page=transcript,

and “The Whole United States is Southern!!:” Brown v. Board and the Mystification of Race by Charles M. Payne , http://www.memphis.edu/benhooks/creative-works/pdfs/payne.pdf

anyone else listen to this one? 



and now he has tackled this photo and statue(based on the photo) in his most recent episode.

Gladwell is doing solid work. 

