Phish acapella



fuck yeah !


More importantly, slack..what did you think?

Think of what? 

It was good when they played in small venues did it without amplification. Then it was an interesting sonic interlude between all the electric raging.

But since they started playing big/giant venues and have to use the microphones it doesn't do much for me.


Nice first set, especially the last few songs.  And as usual the lighting is spectacular.

I saw them do the Boston song Foreplay/Long Time. It was good.yessmiley

Kuroda (sp? Light guy extraordinaire) is a friggin genius...and theyve purchased two new light rigs in last 18 if they needed ...


Lighting looks amazing...and as we all know, looks 100 x better when there...

What is your favorite Phish acapella, Jambone? 

Dont have one

The phish renaissance 

I like Old Home Place personally...

I'll also add that the Space Oddity was enjoyable but I am a Bowie guy...



If they're going to do it I prefer the barbershop quartet stuff.

Because, you know, barbershop quartet is awesome.

>barbershop quartet is awesome.<


I love it.



>>>..and theyve purchased two new light rigs in last 18 if they needed ...

they don't purchase their lighting rigs they rent them from PRG 

Thanks , buck^....


That makes sense, i shouldve written, "theyve added two new"....and then,  as a matter of fact, for accuracy, they "added" one new for each of last two tours, but not for both...they had a new rig last tour...and a new one for this tour 

If I had one word to describe Phish's accapella attempts I would say....



^agreed....i thought about it when slack asked me my favorite...(really, i did)....and, id have to say i enjoyed "Amazing Grace" first time i saw it...maybe first cpl...incl first Horde Tour....since then? Its been a bumpy oddity was cool...i think that one was more about the timing of when it was played, more so than how it was played...(or sung etc)

Just watched the accapella Strawberry Fields.

Thought it was better then most of their other accapella attempts.


<<<<I like Old Home Place personally..



I do too, but they've never done it acapella.

It was acoustic a few times in '94 though.


lol... Yes Guy.  May have been slight ZUI last night.  Blending my bluegrass and acapella Phish threads in my head. 


Maybe Freebird for old times sake. 

I Didn't Know     ?

I like that they try

Even if they fail

They didn't fail last night.