

Will we welcome them with open arms or turn them away? We all deserve second chances and not to do so would be antithetical to the cornerstone that viva was built upon. Like our government's dastardly decision to turn away the SS Drottingholm in 1942, we too can be remembered for our worse selves or our best. I'd rather not the latter. So when Tulsa Chris comes knocking or Kirley emails you; what will you do? Ignore and block them or open your door and invite them in? 


Brian K is another story which I'd rather not address at this time.




“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of the
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

I hope there's enough resources to keep them out of cages for Jerry's sake!   

>>>>>We all deserve second chances and not to do so would be antithetical to the cornerstone that viva was built upon.

Oh jeez. Another thread about that site. Where's the beating a dead horse pic? And what "cornerstone" would that be? 

Anyone who was booted from the PZ or Viva was probably already given second and third chances, so the premise might be faulty. 

I'd treat 'em like a mormon missionary. I won't be bothering to answer the door. But take care and have a nice time wherever you go.

Wish you well, just without my involvement. I have other more important things to do. 

Question. If that site failed and was a mess from what I hear, why should that membership of PZ refugees be welcome here? To add what to this site?     

Flail away JR, but you asked, and I answered. JMO.

>>>we too can be remembered for our worse selves or our best. I'd rather not the latter.

Hmmmm. I'm confused.


Found one....

Beating a dead horse 2.JPG

Lock them up

lock them up

lock them up














Give Leroy another shot

Bad news for you, JR, I am already able to post here.

Sucks for you, huh?

Hahaaaa funny stuff, and true slick. Seems to me Judit is the most lenient of mods and pretty much anyone who wants can post here. We do have a fun group now, that I think is capable of defending against all blue meanies, hell we even delt with bryen in a most humane manner.

The Banned !  Reminds me of one of my favorite shows as a kid - Branded


Separate them from their Children!!!

Whatever. It's not my sand box. I just play in it occasionally and admin can do what they want. If they want to add to their monitoring challenges....

As a site that is pretty peaceful now, I don't know why you'd invite back contention and juvenile behavior, but it's not my call.

I mean, it's not like we'd be striking a monumental blow for human rights and compassion. They could always create another site like they did before. There's options for that group of folks.

I know it's done lightheartedly, but to call these clowns refugees could be considered disrespectful to innocent families facing life and death challenges on our border. Parolees might be more like it. LOL.

What's that line about insanity and expecting a different result when you continue do the same thing over and over? 

But whatever. I've stated my opinion (after being asked) and admin can do what they please. Have a nice day everyone. The horse is starting to smell and the flies are coming around. Adios. 

Bump for gregulator



and what about those who've been exiled from!?

Did something happen to the other zone?

does this mean fog and 6-y poo are coming back ?

If that's the case I'll break out the cheese + crackers for the endless flow of whine headed our way

Hilarious stuff FOM 

What happened?

Yes, inquiring minds need to know.  

I just read the statement.  Anyone know who owned the other place?

Ok.  For people who don't want to google "" here is the message:


When I created this site it was in response to Bret and the gang at the original cyber zone announcing they were checking out.

My hope was that this site could take over or at least provide a place for zoners to do their thing. 

Then, to paraphrase Nick, the "zone wars" began which was rather disappointing, as was the apparent need at the other site to censor and filter seemingly everything and force an ass glitter unicorn and rainbows zone on all participants.

However, the people who decided to take up residence here have proved to be bigoted, hateful, spiteful, self centered, idiotic tools.

What a shame....

So, rather than pay more money to keep this board alive and provide certain individuals a platform to spew ideas I completely disagree with, I think I'm going to shut this site down.

Full disclosure:

I am not Judit and I am not registered at Viva. 
I have met Judit, and some of the other admins over there and they are good people. They are not deserving of the shit you spew, even if none of us agree with the "only happy, always assglitter approach" of Viva. I think they have/had the best intentions, but life just doesn't work that way unfortunately.

When shutdown, I opted to no longer participate except to provide a place to continue "the zone" as I saw it. I always enjoyed the self regulating nature of the original board and that was my hope. But you can't count on hope unfortunately.

The racist, bigoted, misogynistic, antisemitic, boorish, douchey etc., etc, behavior, statements and opinions a lot of you display here is frankly pathetic and you should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves. Grow up, show some empathy, treat people by the golden rule. Stop and think before you type, fools.

Lastly, for you Trumpers here, you disgust me.

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck you if you voted for him!"

Let em all in (20)

they fuck up execute em

We'll go third world

><<<  for you Trumpers here, you disgust me.

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck you if you voted for him!" >>>

Here here now

Very well said

Bully bully


>>>The racist, bigoted, misogynistic, antisemitic, boorish, douchey etc., etc, behavior, statements and opinions a lot of you display here is frankly pathetic and you should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves. Grow up, show some empathy, treat people by the golden rule. Stop and think before you type, fools.

Lastly, for you Trumpers here, you disgust me.

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck you if you voted for him!"


whoa so this person was paying to maintain a website that turned into a right-wing circle-jerk? ouch 

I hope it wasn’t too expensive. 

great closing remarks if that was the case though! let them go play on the 4-Chan’s 

No way in hell, Turts.

Let 'em in. If they can't follow the rules ONCE, show them the door. It's pretty simple.

God Bless, Judit and her ass-glitter and unicorns approach. Even with all the hard work she does it hasn't proved 100% effective in eliminating the assholery. Granted, there's very little of that, but it does show up sometimes. I'll take the flawed, regulated ass-glitter, over the lawless fuck-everyone-I-say-whatever-I-want mentality of the other zone. I don't miss it and on here are all the people I cared to talk to from the old board, with a couple of exceptions (who I think left of their own volition).

...>>Number 6 on Thursday, August 29, 2019 – 03:31 pm

No way in hell, Turts.<<


aww, there's the vermont vivaer!

does this mean fog and 6-y poo are coming back ?>>>

I had not posted on .net for months and months. The place was ruined by viva trolls, LOL, well it was ruined before that but that made it worst, if it could get any worst, well it did and it was. Turtle, i have been back here and there from time to time, it can never be how it was for me here i just don't have the time man.


JR, the dig at BK weakened your whole message. Why not just stop being assholes toward one another. Still true this would be a good time to let a few permabanned exiled back in and give them a chance. I don't see what that would hurt.


Grow up, show some empathy, treat people by the golden rule. Stop and think before you type, fools.>>>

this was a good message.


Yep, some bitch about Trump twitters while doing the same.


Cognitive dissonance. 

JR, who exactly do you think should be allowed back????

Ask Yosemite Sam to join. He doesn't have tourette's.

Aww, I appreciated the personal dig.

Looks like this thread took off quite nicely and turned over some rocks in the process, too (hello Vermonters...haha...fog). 



We could let Bryen back in so we can kick him around some more. smiley

The rest - meh.

Bryen isn't banned.

Oh - haven't seen him around lately.

Biden has a debate coming up. Bryen will return for that.

I posted over there a couple times.  I thought of that clan last xmas and wished them a merry.


The old joke was quoted.on that thread.        It was Christmas Eve and everyone was feeling merry.


Merry got up and left.





>who exactly do you think should be allowed back<


I say let them all back. Pretty easy to boot folks if they cross the line again. 

I imagine many would scoff at the thought of posting here.

Correct, let them all back, confining em to one folder only. That way when you're feeling that certain kind of dark dirty shamelessness you have a hot spot to visit. Or just lurk and watch em consume each another. 

They're happy on phook. They all said they don't want to come back. Even the old coots that just lurked and were never banned don't want to be a part of Viva. 

Why, because we're so damn good, or so horribly bad ?

 We're bad bad bad bad bad, we're nationwide - 

We can change the world tomorrow
This could be a better place
If you don't like what I'm sayin'
Then won't you slap my face

Because I'm bad, I'm bad come on
You know I'm bad, I'm bad come on, you know
You know I'm bad, I'm bad come on, you know
And the whole world has to
Answer right now
Just to tell you once again
Who's bad


I see Knotesau still likes to be a spokesperson for others. Nothing changes, I guess. lol

He's one of our leading distractors

If there ever was a time to let the past slip into distant memories, this would be it. Let the stupid Board Wars and personal attacks end.

Slack can  spend his time trolling Kirley on Phook, and everyone else can move on.

Or not.

Hahaa,  by nature - we are forces of chaos and anarchy

Here here, I agree with brian, time to tear down some walls mutherfuckers

Airplane - 2/4/1970 - Wally Heider Studios

If I'm the reason you guys ain't doing what you want to do, let me know. 

Slack can  spend his time trolling Kirley on Phook

ok I'm old wtf is Phook

Another Board.

<<< let me know >>>

You're kidding right, you be a good part of,,,,,,,, something.  Why's everyone getting so brown acid weird lately ?  Well please just get the bullshit out now so as not to bore us all in the future. Then we can harmoniously proceed on to the more pressing issues of the day. 

Now, who hates who, for what, and for how long ? Good,  good. Now shake hands and move the fuck on. 


I like Slack.  I would like to have a beer with him some day. 

Raz, there are a hundred threads on this page. There are 110 more pages.

Let me know how I stop you from posting what you like. 

I too would enjoy having a beer with the slackster. If only to satisfy my curiosity as to what tf that easily confused crack-a-lackin' wacky fucker is like in person. I've always been interested in meeting different species. That pretty much goes for most all of youz too. Viva Zone gathering time ?


Is "people like you" any different from "you people"?

<<<However, the people who decided to take up residence here have proved to be bigoted, hateful, spiteful, self centered, idiotic tools.


Lol.  Last person to realize this?


Duh.  It was called the Garbagezone for a reason.


Thoughts and prayers.

Seems like The Creator of that place had the right intentions, but got screwed by vermin.

Sometimes nuking a building is the only way to get rid of the rats.

Sometimes it seems this place is a bit antiseptic, but still, we need no rats in here.

They were phooks then and they're phooks now.

Phook 'em.  



Ras, i don't believe that slack is confused, i believe that he is trying understand peoples' motivations and their thought process.  He challenges folks to engage in some self reflection. 

Self righteous AND predictable. That's a hell of a combo, son.

All fooling aside, I love this place (thanks again Judit The Wise) and would be happy to meet and break bread with everyone of you. Happy Sunday !!

Want a better place ? Just do it. We can make it happen


This guy's some awesome inspiration --


Who's Aaron? Hahahaha