The Other Candidates


What exactly is so bad about them? Which of their policies are abhorrent to you? What would they do as POTUS that would be so terrible?

Let's stick to policies and their ability to get shit done, and stay away from who gave them campaign money or minutia that just doesn't matter.

What would Warren, Pete or Klobuchar do, or not do, as President, that would piss you off. Please be realistic, like we know Pete wouldn't give us M4A, but neither would Bernie.

Since Trump is going to coast to re-election this is really a moot point.

basically biden's records and views on drug policy, corruption/money in politics, criminal justice and foreign policy, which are all cornerstone issues for me, i consider to be both the wrong approach, and if carried out in policy and legislation, heinous crimes against humanity that are inherently immoral.

i dont agree with bernie on everything, but he seems to currently be our best shot at making meaningful change on these cornerstone issues. i dont know that he will be perfect or get much done at all, but so far policywise and campaignwise, pete and amy seem to be far more aligned with bidens status quo viewpoints than the real progressives that want change and/or have interesting ideas; yang, gabbard and sanders.

idk about warren. maybe better than biden and the bidenettes but not as good as sanders. the bernie is a sexist stuff and the pocahontas saga totally turned me off. id consider her more if sanders was not in the running, but honestly i dont feel the need to dig to deep into warren, shes far behind sanders and sanders seems obviously preferable. 

yangs cool, but i dont see that working at all

gabbard was my #1 because her stances on drug policy and foreign policy most closely align with mine. like yeah, healthcare and domestic social issues are great, but people around the world are dying, people are being killed in drug related violence here, we are locking people up for years or decades, and stuff like medicare for all, race/gender issues and housing seem inherently secondary to that. but she has no chance and the ol bern is ok. the corruption and money in politics bern talks about inherently feed into the issues im most concerned about, so that works for me. im very interested to see how m4all works if it happens but its not something thats swaying my vote one way or the other.


remeber when trump decried the corrupt electoral college?


pete = new biden

amy = hillary with scruples



You left off Bloomberg: Anti-gun, pro-health care, tax the rich.

I'm starting to be open to considering him being the dragon slayer.

Sweet troll thread.

Unfortunately, he's anti-cannabis. 


And, of course, he's a corporatist.

It would really suck if we had toi vote for Bloomberg to get rid of Trump.

I don't hate you thom


pity, yes

>> Unfortunately, he's anti-cannabis.  <<

Yea, so is Biden but that horse has left the barn. I don't need weed to be legal in Alabama.

No, I know - I'm in Oregon.

But I got friends and rels in some of those troglodytic states.

 Not a troll thread, Timpane. Just hoping to open real dialogue. I know that's tough for you, so feel free to step out.

How and why is Pete the new Biden? Other than sipping wine with billionaires, what has he done wrong? Which of his policies are so abhorrent to you?

i'll take that styer dude if i have to go with a rich schmuck who buys his way in.

bloomberg doesn't even campaign or fucking qualify for debates.

put down the mediocrity dugout pipe ned.


Unfortunately I don't think middle America is ready for a gay POTUS,  just as I don't think they're ready for a socialist Jew. Not even sure they're ready for a woman.

My choice is binary, turtle: Who has the best chance to beat Trump.

I'm not saying I'm voting for Bloomberg, just open to considering him. I like Mayor Pete...he just has some potential electability issues with black and southern homophobes.


The country is not ready for a gay mayor, a socialist or a woman and I don't see Biden maintaining himself.....he's looking increasingly bordering on senility. Bloomberg probably has the best shot if he can attract the votes on Super Tuesday. 

Wall Street, Big Banks, and Corporations are afraid of one candidate and one candidate only.  This is Elizabeth Warren.

Pete up by .1 in super delegates, tied in delegates and behind in the popular vote. 3% left to be released. I would call it a draw at this point even if Bernie were to overtake Pete's .1 lead.


Bloomberg at a whopping 0%.

The Other Ones

You do know that Bloomberg did zero campaigning in Iowa, right? His viability will be determined on Super Tuesday.

Seeing as he'll want to take away guns and Big Gulps, I don't see him doing well in most of the country.

the fact that people think any other candidate besides bernie will motivate people to show up is absolutely insane. 

run a centrist, get that classic centrist enthusiasm, which is fuck it. 

run somebody that'll help change the system for the vast majority of people, defeat trump. people want healthcare, and people want climate action taken, now. 

also bernie's organizing is paying off, minority support is sky rocketing. 

bloomber will get 0% of the african american vote -- trump will destroy bloomy, it would be sad. but not as sad as everyday americans thinking billionaire vs billionaire is our best bet. man we're fucked. 

only one candidate will do excite the electorate to defeat trump. 

Bloomberg will personally stop and frisk minorities until they vote for him.

also lol at the people who cried bernie isn't a dem and are thinking about supporting a racist like bloomber -- my god that's funny. 

just so you know -- he's a die hard republican, W supporter. wake up people. 

I'm pretty much the only one here he said that Bernie isn't a Dem. It's still a sore point with me. Bernie, Trump and Bloomberg should all be Independents.

Face it, the only way we move away from this fucked up 2 party system that is hampering our nation is for viable candidates to say "fuck  you" and run as Independent.

if Bernie is going to bring in  new voters, why was turnout in Iowa low?

guys, bernie raised 25mil in january. one month. 

he has the support to crush trump -- nobody else will even come close. 

I think the one place where we all agree is that Iowa doesn't really represent anything that is going to happen in the primaries to come. It's a horrible tradition and should be scrapped. They can barely figure out how to count the votes and they have been working towards this for three years.

even nate silver sees bernie as the front runner. 

fall in line, centrists. you wanna beat trump, fall in line behind sanders. 

biden got cut off, but he has SC and AL  lol  

