Organic "grass" fed stoner milk to go with those pot cookies


Cows fed hemp produced milk with THC, researchers say

One of the first major investigations of hemp in animal feed also showed behavioral changes in some cows

"Dairy cows fed industrial hemp produced milk with detectable levels of the buzz-inducing molecular compound THC, according to a new study from Germany that could influence the potential uses of hemp as an ingredient in animal feed.

The dairy cows also showed behavioral changes — yawning and salivating a lot, moving a little unsteadily on their hoofs, standing in one place for a protracted period, and having a “somnolent appearance.”"




I always wondered why cows are so mellow and why I can't quit Thanks, Alan!  

well, it appears you need to eat an awful lot of good bud

pros: pronounced tongue play
cons: nasal secretion formation

"The researchers at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment found no behavioral change in cows given the entire hemp plant, which contained very low levels of THC. Only when fed solely the portions of the hemp plant with higher THC concentrations — including the flowers and leaves — did the behavioral effects appear, according to the study.

Those effects included slower heart rate and respiration, “pronounced tongue play, increased yawning, salivation, nasal secretion formation,” and reddening of a portion of the eyes, the report states. Some animals “displayed careful, occasionally unsteady gait, unusually long standing and abnormal posture.”"


Keep those dogies groovin'.

Ive seen countless shrooms bit in half by cows.

We always laughed saying they are not moooooooing they are saying shrooooooms 

> pronounced tongue play

I was thinking about getting some tacos de lengua for lunch today, but now maybe not.

I question the validity of this.  Not enough THC in hemp.   Now, if they said CBD then yeah, I can see that.

As a vegan, I gotta question the ethics involved and whether this is the best way to get high - I suppose the baby calves who are taken away at birth and tortured for a few weeks before being sold as 'veal' could be a bit less miserable. And I suppose the momma cows suffering the trauma of being forcibly impregnated and having their baby stolen might get a smidgen of relief from ingesting cannabis. 


The daily industry is rotten for the cows and the environment. 

Nanc, I'm thinking maybe not just dairy cows -- I'm thinking stoner steers have potential


gonna smoke this's a fatty

download (2)_13.jpg

Jeez just give me my Pot in a lid pref 1970s and 80s and a rum drink.

why stop with Steer?


'Roll me up and smoke me when I die'

>>>Keep those dogies groovin'.

Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope 'n' throw and brand 'em
Soon we'll be livin' high and wide

Eating beef will give you the munchies.