Organ donation and pot smokers


 pot smokers can be denied organ transplants just because they use medical marijuana instead of pharmies to treat pain..

Seems pretty fucked up.


Funny? How so?


And fucked up because  they will accept donations from pot smokers. 

That is harsh. Does the article say anything about receiving a pot smokers organ?  (tee hee)

They have a list?

nancy, there is an endless list of stuff happening, in which to worry about, or become inflamed over, or stand up and protest against..


you seem to bring the lists.. so i lol at the non stop posting of "crimes against humanity"....




i think there are bigger fish to fry... that is all.

I hear ya, Jon Jon, just trying to keep the breaking news relevant to the readers here.

We might play Cards Against Humanity later.

And it's absurd for any organ donation policy that favors a patient using OxyContin for pain relief over someone using MM.

There should be a universal standard, at the least.

the horrors!!!



now how about ivanka being a reptillian overlord?  theres some news for you!




This is a serious issue to many people who need organ transplants. As I remember, the rule in Washington state was that people had to not use marijuana for 6 months before being eligible for a liver transplant. If you have rapidly failing organs you may not have 6 months from time of diagnosis to wait. We in the PZ Hep C folder were following the case of a guy who died while being denied for this reason.

I'm interested in and didn't read about in the article is their view on Cannabis Oil ingestion. Is there still a danger of "the fungal infection known as Aspergillosis" from oil? (quoting article's phrasing)

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Thanks for the thread and link, Nancy.

that's fucked up.


oh wait, if you are rich or famous its cool though....

Jon, what do you care about? You seem to care a lot about commenting on what others care about, but other than that?

What are your bigger fish to fry?  It's not politics, for sure, or organ donation rules. Based on your stuff with MikeW, it isn't gay rights either. So, what do you have to offer? P-Tex prices just went up, or they don't make goggles like they used to?


I know someone this happened to, she's a regular at TXR. She was at death's door ready to get the transplant in the hospital and she was denied for self medicating with cannabis. Eventually she did get the new liver. The transformation in her appearance (I didn't know her before she was sick) is jaw-dropping. I'm not really sure how she got around it because MMJ wasn't technically legal even for patients with catastrophic illnesses then. 

This is true Nancy especially in California.

Could keep me from getting a kidney transplant. (Yes that's why I post so much info about healthcare and safety net programs)

Governor Brown passed a law but hospital boards decide for themselves.

Guy I worked with destroyed his liver by admittingly drinking way too much and received a new liver and still drinks! Drank while waiting for his new liver too. WTF!!!!!!! And they will deny based on MJ?????? Makes no sense, but what do I know, I don't make the laws or set the criteria. All I can figure is that they think if you use one, you will probably use another. I do not believe this myself. 

the return of niburu, and the impending collapse/change over of the modern humans.... the shift into 5D, and the dimentional shifts now occuring...


how are you today Brian?

I was okay, but now that you've enlightened me about niburu and the fifth dimension, my weekend is totally fucked. Thanks!

Cant you care about chill stuff like politics and organ donation?

>>>chill stuff like politics and organ donation?


to be frank, its a mild form of victim consciousness.... get over it, and revel in the fact you are alive in a body at this amazing time in history!!!!

bang a gong

get along

hang a bong


gong along a bong a long.....

Or, it may be that people care about shit that you don't. Pretty lame to cop a holier-than-thou attitude all the time. Yeah dude, I get it, you're a more evolved life form who has learned to not sweat much. I don't know, man, your attitude reeks of trustafarian white privilege.

Dude, if you have something to say on a subject, say it. If not, move on. Why does everything have to become a personal affront and snotty attitude?

The wheels on the bus...

i hope your day gets better bri...

Check your LP Jon. It would be terrible for you to be without radiant floor heat until Monday. That shit matters.

now your just sofly melting bri... lol.

 My just is softly melting?

JR, keep your quest for relevance to this thread, okay?