Oprah for President


Who needs any previous experience, right?

She should pick Rev. Al Sharpton as her VP.

The weight watchers platform.

Who loves chips!?

Oprah and Whoopie would get my vote.

you get free healthcare, and you get free healthcare......

I would love to see her debate Trump.

I would definitely vote for her

she has her own network, so no worries about those mean little fake news outlets like The NY Times, CNN



I clean pools. 

I hope she does run! She would get the voter turn out.

At least she is not a Russian puppet, and she knows enough to get the right people in the right jobs!

What is negative?

Well, we've lowered the bar this far....


I don't feel like selecting her is lowering the bar

I would like to see a woman in the WH

Trump can't even get his wife to stay there!

at least Oprah would bring back the tradition of a dog living there...

lots o dogs... 

Black is the new Orange

Black is the new Orange

Lol- he has lightened up on the orange tint, no?!

Oh fer fucks sake.


Hey, Seadoggie!

Don't think we have ever been properly introduced 

what's up?!

Sheryl Sandberg more in vogue?

Both are not slouches, give the women that!

Everybody look under your seat!

Winfrey/Franken 2020

Sure, and Oprah would even release her  tax returns and put her holdings in a blind trust. not that she is required to do so, but  she's got integrity, unlike Trump. 

Steadman would be a much better First Consort than Melanoma.

Yeah Whoopie and Tulsi!

I also noticed he toned down the orange. He still looks like a douche.

Steadman seems awesome 

Melanoma... you're bad smiley

You know who else is smart enough?

Amal Clooney, no joke.

gorgeous to boot

she could probably handle it with twins 



People won't trust Huma after that hubby and lady she worked for

Remember when you didn't care about politics?

anyone connected to HRC is an automatic fail. 

Just burn the whole thing down already. 

Who are you endorsing, Heat? 

I get totally tense when I see polar bears floating by on melting ice caps

 I nominate someone who has some empathy in office 

and not someone who decides for me that a wall will go up between Mexico

Roger Waters for Pres

gives sober meaning to "tear down the wall"


More polar bears are killed by hunters than melting ice, but enjoy the kool-aid

I think she could have a great chance of winning. Not joking. If she came ahead in a popularity poll against trump then I would like her chances in 2020. Being a tv star is al you need to run for prez nowadays?

Hound Her, do you realize that as the ice continue to melt due to climate change there will be no more polar bears to hunt?


and it's likely that Oprah is just trolling, but she should go for it - or just troll harder and announce Rosie as her running mate :)

It's ok to admit you know nothing about polar bears and how they have evolved, Nancy. I wont make fun of you.


How many years do you think Polar Bears need to evolve before they can adapt to living without the frozen tundra?



perhaps you should learn a bit more about evolution before spouting off, Hound Her.

Is hound her really the best you can do?

Hounder starts with H, like Hitler.

AT LEAST SHE IS LIKEABLE Around The World UNLIKE That Toolbag !  She Has WAY More Class Than That CLOWN !

>>>>>>> How many years do you think Polar Bears need to evolve before they can adapt to living without the frozen tundra?

I read in Nat Geo that the Grizzlies are now cross breeding w/Polars, so there will be a new species of hybrid bears.  This happened to wolves & coyotes in the northeast back in the late 1800's.  Coyotes in New England are bigger & fiercer than their west coast equivalents as they are up to 25% wolf & now take up that former top predator niche in the ecosystem.

Is plf off his/her meds?

Just a tad off topic... Fishkill is relatively close to my area and I was surprised to find out that we have bobcats in the hills.



That'd be one species you don't want to meet close up! The Grizzlar Bear.

So yeah Oprah go for it!




i guess you guys are forgetting the time she got caught going through airport security with 40 lbs of crack under her dress...


Please no Oprah

Can she start tomorrow?

Oprah is Harpo spelled backwards. 

Trump is Pmurt..... 

It'd be awesome in a bigots'-heads-exploding kinda way.