OK 2016 - Now You Have Me Agreeing With Palin


Critics of Donald Trump’s deal to prevent 800 jobs at a Carrier Plant in Indianapolis from being outsourced to Mexico say that the President-elect had simply paid off the business with Indiana tax dollars to score a public relations victory. Add one unexpected name to that list: Sarah Palin.


Maybe  I'm missing something here but how does/would Trump control Indiana tax dollars?

Trump took credit for brokering the deal, and Pence the Governor of Indiana is his Veep

Indiana officials agreed to give United Technologies Corp. $7 million worth of tax breaks over 10 years to encourage the company’s Carrier Corp. unit to keep about 1,000 jobs in the state, according to people familiar with the matter....The deal would cover 800 Carrier workers from the Indianapolis furnace plant and an additional 300 research and headquarters positions that weren’t slated to go to Mexico, according to another person briefed on the deal.


He's not president yet. 

Does this mean that Palin won't be chosen to become Secretary of the Interior? 


If so..GOOD!