Obamacare Repeal Flames Out In The Republican Senate


I like NO votes who weren't captured...

Obamacare Repeal Flames Out In The Republican Senate

Seven years of promises, and zilch to show for it.

By Jeffrey Young, Matt Fuller



Fuck yeah

I still think McCain is an ass but tonight he made a move that Democrats will remember for a long time

After attending the rally today at the Utah Capitol that the Outdoor Retailers put on to support public lands and our national monuments, the word "monumental"comes to mind to describe this event in the US Senate tonight. This is amazing. A landmark event in the halls of congress.

At the end of his long career, McCain makes his boldest step and solidifies his legacy by standing tall for the democratic process.   

Man Smart (Two Woman Smarter)

Thank you Maine & Alaska

That's right


Fuck Mitch McConnell



gotta love the strategy here...

I suspect many Senators knew the bill would fail and voted yes to appease their base, and knowing it would fail could be immune to backlash from non supporters.

and McCain got his revenge for Trump slandering his military service...

same as it ever was. you've all been had.


>>>.McCain got his revenge for Trump slandering his military service...

Yep.  He might be a crazy old man, but still has some fight left in him.


Props to McCain, but WAY MORE props to Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins who both stood firm against repeal before McCain did, and who both have taken more heat and threats because of it. Those two women are the heroes first. McCain as the tiebreaker became the hero second. Props to all three. Fuck Mitch McConnell and Fuck Donald Chump.

maybe the time McCain recently spent in hospital and facing his own health crisis gave him some perspective?

That CBS news link has a deceiving headline. The Senator said a threat was NOT an appropriate word for a difficult conversation.