Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus have a sword fight


One of my favorite Easter reads.

Quite amusing. 

looks like jesus didnt miss leg day at the gym! damm, you go!!!!!

Missing Missy is also well done. 

That is an amazing exchange - David Thorne is Disco Stu's long lost brother down under....

My hero



Jesus did a lot of core work to get like that. People who don't read the bible won't know that at one point, Jesus and Pontious Pilate were good friends and worked out together. Pilate as we all know is the originator of the still popular Pilates workout regiment which focuses on core strength, which we can see in most sculptures was a strong-suit of Jesus. 

once i met a guy named jesus in the gym, he wanted to have a sword fight in the urinal........



i wasnt into it...

You sure bro? I read somewhere that you wanted to "fuck Jesus and his followers"

If you did swordfight w/Jesus, your demise would be terrible and swift.  Or so I've heard.

I thought Jesus died for the Klingons?

That was great. I would love to witness a word off exchange between Disco Stu and David Thorne.


My money would be on Stu.