Now That's What I Call Communicating


Scaramucci also had some choice words for chief White House strategist Steve Bannon as well.

“I’m not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the President,” he said, claiming he was not interested in media attention for himself. “I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock.”

Scaramucci is full of shit.

All talk, just like his boss.

Typical Long Island pussy.

 except, now he's this guy, cb.

Which makes your likely apt description even horribler

This shitbag is perfect for Drumpf

Strong letter to follow.

Never a dull moment.

Season 6 of SUITS.


Was Hedge Fund Dickhead based on this guy?


SNL should bring in Mario Cantone to play him.  That would drive Cheetolini batshit.

Bye bye Reince

^^Haha Bluest!

The president show on comedy central beat them to it.

Bets on which cabinet member leaves this year?

not sure sessions will make it. 


reince isn't cabinet but he may be done as well. haha. 

such trash, all around.  

Republicans won't let him fire sessions. 

I don't know about Tillerson either.

It seems like he's fed up already.

Guess it depends upon how much patience he has.

West Wing Circle Jerk:

Lil Mooch- says Bannon "Sucks his own"

Priebus- West Wing nickname "Rancid Penis"

Paul Ryan- Bannon's refers to him as "Limp Dick Ryan"


STRONG representation of the United States of America!




they should get charlie sheen in there


>>Typical Long Island pussy.

That's talk

Where do live? Queens?

Press gas to take the eye off the real issues, like the Russian investigation.


Just found out the Mooch is only 5'2". Nothing against short people, but the guy certainly talks like he's had a complex for years.

SMS = Small Man Syndrome


Yeah, that Napoleon thing. 

Mario Cantone nails expletive-filled impersonation of Anthony Scaramucci on 'The President Show


reince priebus is out. 

I'm tired from all the winning.

Pee tape must be on the way.

John Kelly new WH Chief of Staff.

Building wall around the WH to commence...

Bannon declined to comment on Scaramucci's charge that he sucks his own c--k.


~Matt Taibbi~


Arw we great again yet?



Scaramucci is out!

White House to install revolving doors.crying

Bringing Embarrassment to all self respecting Dago Wop Guido Greaseballs everywhere.  Buh Bye!