

Dr. Oz worst campaign ever. Gotta love that smile.


Even if that's photo-shopped, that's pretty good!

New Jersey is well known for it's Diners

^LOL. The idiot is probably dumb enough to be campaigning in NJ too.

in my heart; this is def real

Just what the world needs. Another uber-wealthy wingnut who wants to govern.



Like an eye chart

Even the woman who launched him, Queen Oprah, won't endorse the prick.

Turn it the other way and it says ON.


my mom volunteered for JFK in '60 and said one of their games was to go to the Nixon people and get TWO bumper stickers and cut one up so the final message read NIX ON NIXON.

Even if the pic is fake-shopped, it's still about as real as his chances of victory in Nov anyhow.

"The Viral Photo of Dr. Oz That's Taking the Internet by Storm Is Not Real"

In todays politics that picture is more real than the real one, fake news 

Did no one vet this guy at all.

He is a Republican running in PA and there is a tape of him saying employers should be able to fire smokers, and today they have another recording of him saying

Dr. Oz, answering a listener's question about an incestual relationship, says: "More than a first cousin away, it’s not a big problem." "That’s why children, girls don’t like their fathers’ smell ... My daughters hate my smell.”


Awkward paternal comments about the possibility of incest aside, I'm guessing Oz's daughter is not the only person who hates his smell. I know my nose wrinkles up just from looking at him.

He's a fucking skunk in smarmy clothing.

Don't hold back, judit. Speak your mind. lol