New Mexico


Picking up where the Vermont thread left off -  everyone loves New Mexico.

Green or red?

Ristra II.jpg

Picked up a orange ristra last year at a roadside stand outside Hatch.  The chilies weren't completely dried and the thing practically melted when I hung it up back here in Oregon.

Let's see your photos and travel stories/tips from the Land of Enchantment. 

Hatch is a cool little town. Sparky's is a must.

NM maple syrup isn't all that great.

I hear they make a pretty good green chile out there.

Red or Green? Both!  I love them both separately and together.  NM has some of the best regional cuisine in the U.S.

Where to begin with the travel tips?  So much good food and so much history.  I love hanging around the Santa Fe plaza and visualizing all of the insanity that has gone on there over the years. 

Kai and I barely entered the northwest corner of New Mexico, but we liked what we saw:


SW 6 El Morro flowers.jpg

Used to be my home. 

The Gila is still my holy ground.

Need to make a pilgrimage soon.

Serious talks with the family about moving back there.

But otherwise terrible place, nothing to see here, move along nicely folks.

Admin, please pull this thread before NM gets discovered...wink

I heard they have the Bubonic Plague down there. 

And hantavirus!

hanta and the" plague" are pretty much the same thing down there- detected in the 4 corners area some 28 years ago?

Usually infections come from inhaling the dust from sweeping up rodent droppings.

Just be careful what dirty dingy stable or barn you decide to sleep in down there and you'll be ok.


Some good folks in NM-   I could handle it.



Love NM. Went there for an ACLU National Conference....and took extra time to do a loop road trip to Truth or Consequences (rented a tipi), the Gila cave dwellings, Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands, then headed north through Roswell and back to Santa Fe. Loved it all, especially the museums in Santa Fe. Would like to return to explore whatever's north of Santa Fe. I have an old friend who is part of the Guru Ram Das ashram in Espanola... need to go visit her, too. 

Better call Saul...

>>>>hanta and the" plague" are pretty much the same thing down there- detected in the 4 corners area some 28 years ago?

My brother is a neurologist in ABQ and spent a semester in medical school at an IHS facility on the rez over in Shiprock. He explained that the hantavirus had been well known in traditional Navajo medicine for ages before the CDC investigation into the 1993 outbreak, but the local word for it was something to the effect of "sickness of the big rains."   They called it that because the periodic historic outbreaks occurred following particularly rainy years, when the abundance of vegetation and pinions caused an uptick in the population of deer mouse, which spread the disease through their droppings.    

I miss the smell of Piñon smoke in the air while sipping apple cider on a fall evening.  My mother in law lives there so I'm lucky to get there every year.  Has anyone been to Meow Wolf?  I hear it's amazing.

It's interesting how different this thread is from the VT thread....  I'm glad NM is still a bit of a secret


Bubonic/Pneumonic/"Black'"Plague - is a bacterial disease, transmitted by rat fleas.

Hantavirus is, well - a virus, transmitted as posted above.

Wow Johnny D, that photo is stunning! 

The Gila is still my very favorite forest of all that I have come across in my wanderings. One of these days I'd love to get an extended trip to the Land of Entrapment in, it's been way too long.

That El Morro shot is nice, Johnny D.