New Festies announced - Dates in July TBD - East and West

I hate the Eagles!

I guess they did not get invited to participate in Desert Trip 2017.

Last time I checked, Glenn Frey was still dead.

But why should that stop them?

Puke city.

Don Henley looks like jocko homo all grown up in that article


Count me out

Saw these bands in the '70's when they were still relevant.  YAWN indeed.  But the same Tom Petty, Steve Miller, Bob Seger fan base will Shirley be lining up Enthusiastically for these presumably Outrageously priced tix.  And I get made fun of for liking Panic & Mule . . .

Tickets will probably be really cheap. (Sarc)




I NEVER said i liked this - i just posted that it was happening as a result of the Old Chella shoes....put it this way, if a few of the songs of either band came on the radio i wouldnt turn the dial but im not tuning into the Eagles or Fleetwood Mac channel on Satellite radio anytime soon...

You've been Piled On, Zone Style cheeky

It's like when Popi accused me of liking Twiddle merely because, in a review of the Vibes several moons ago, I stated that, after 45 min's of Grace Potter's set, I could bear no more & meandered over to the 2nd stage, where in comparison I found Twiddle's set actually Endurable.

I heard this recent Don Henley song w/Dolly Parton & actually enjoyed it, even tho it's kinda classic country (Lyn's influence is rubbing off lol).  But they won't play stuff like this, it'll be all the standard Classic Schlock all the singalongers paid enormous prices for.  One of the few Classic Schlock bands I'll still go see is Steely Dan, as they usually mix into their sets new stuff that's half decent.

^^ hey yeah Bob - no worries , its just hilarious to me...'dont pile on the Rabbit , dont pile on the Rabbit '.....and if im gonna get burned for outrageously high ticket prices at Citi Field - it'll be for Dead & Co...




DeadCo - OMFUG don't even GO THERE!!!!!!