The New Amerikkka


Someone posted my cousin's name, phone # and address on a Nazi-run "Jewish database" website. She's now getting death threats and is scared shitless.

Is this really making America great? Threatening to kill people for their religion?

Just fucked up!

That ain't right. 

((((((((((BK's Cousin)))))))))))

But Hillary's emails...fucking idiots!

Deplorables making America hate again!

nazis are cunts

That's horrifying - people are really out of their minds with hate - she must be so scared.

The new Amerikkka


I'm so sorry that happened, BK

there's gotta be a way to report that as a terroristic act




That's terrible, I agree with Jill it should be reported and legal action against that website. 

What in the good fuck is the matter with these people?

It sucks, the haters have been emboldened by this president.