The Netherlands Welcomes Trump in His Own Words


So well done, it's Great!

Why isn't this in the political forum? 

Because it's comedy?

And very good comedy, at that.



"German is not even a real language."

Oh well, doesn't matter to me anyway. I've started  ~20 threads in 10+ years.

Very funny. I didn't know that Black Peter was a thing outside of our world.


Smile, smile,, and an actual lol.



Funny! We will need some humor to get through the upcoming times...they'll be great. it true

Yeah, it's funny if you don't live here. 

That was great!

Floops, you don't like living there?  I would love it.

Floop, can you say more about that?


thx for posting

Well, it's certainly self-depreciating.  Humor for rough times over there?

They're masters of PR and making themselves look fun and happy, when everybody is actually losing their hair from frustration. It's far far too individualistic and cold here. Sure you can avoid it all if you're well-off, but if you find yourself at their tender mercies, you'll see that they love to use that power for their own pleasure. They're cruel.  

Sure, individual people can be lovely, but en passief masse...

look out!


Ahhh. You've experienced real life on the flip side of Dutch PR. If only life were as it was in movies of yore...

From here, at this time, this was funny.

great news...and PR for the Dutch. 


Not to so good for America.


>Trump's move has infuriated many charities and politicians across the globe, with Dutch official Lilianne Ploumen saying the lack of financial support will lead to "dangerous backroom procedures and higher maternal mortality."

"This decision has far-reaching consequences above all for the women it affects, who should be able to decide for themselves if they want a child, but also for their husbands and children and for society as a whole," Ploumen, the Dutch minister for foreign trade and development cooperation, said in a statement.

Mark, you going to lecture Judit about starting 'political threads' in other stuff too?

The only folder I read here is OS and it's a drag that threads that get started here keep getting moved to the Politics folder. Doesn't the community get any say on this? It seems like a real non-issue, but apparently it's not.

MARKED..for removal

So very fab

&, (((Floo)))

As Americans there 2x over, local folks were as you say: cold toward us. There is a modicum of politeness, while maintaining superiority in the attitude. 

Still; that thing rocks. 

Bummer when that's blocked from American view. 

Heil donler

Now all the countries are doing it...

Over in Germany, the satirical late-night talk show Neo Magazin Royale offered, “This is the Oktoberfest. It’s the best beer fest God ever created. There is pee everywhere. You would love it. Just saying. Great pee. German beer pee. Or as we call it in Germany, Bud Light.”


They've been busy! Fun to watch them.

America has become a literal laughingstock. 


At least we're good for something.