Name the Movie


That you can not scroll past on t.v.


You know the one....the movie that you watch every freakin time its matter what.


Extra many times do you think you've watched it?



Saving Private Ryan....25 or so....

Groundhog Day

It is hard to say how many times I have watched it. I often watch just part of it, picking it up in the middle!


"The Godfather."


Could name 15 more, but thats #1.

Sons of Katie Elder just to see Dean Martin raffle off his glass eye.

Love that scene.

Interesting timing on this one. I just finished watching Hotel Rwanda for about the 15th time. Makes me sick to my stomach every time, but I can't go past it. 

Groundhog Day is like that for me too Zooey.  Just too funny.

I like gangster movies so Godfather I & II, Goodfellas & Donnie Brasco are hard for me to pass up. 



5th element

Any Star Trek flick



"85" makes me think of some Zoners.laugh

Coming To America .......

Big Lebowski, as long as it's not edited for TV, which I should say for any of my choices.

Harold & Maude

Kill Bill 1 & 2

Pulp Fiction

The Wrath of Khan

Kelly's Heroes

But if all were on at the same time I have to go with Big Lebowski.


Pulp Fiction<


That, too.



any star wars

"Roadhouse and Point Break." - Dogman

what abt "dirty dancing"?

>>>Roadhouse and Point Break<<<

Yep, those too for me. I love Roadhouse, I think it's one of those so bad it's great movies.

Empire Strikes Back goes on my list as well.


The Great Race

The Man  Who Shot Liberty Valance


The Searchers


Not that into movies.

Miller's Crossing

Raising Arizona

Get Shorty

Be Cool


West Side Story


Any Kubrick, Tarantino or Pekinpah flick.

Cpl more of mine...


The Great Escape



Dean Martin raffle off his glass eye.<<<<<<<<<<



Just for sheer craziness, It may be hard to find.


Get stoned.


Roman Polanski's movie with Sharon Tate.


"The Fearless Vampire Killers or Pardon Me Your Teeth Are in My Neck"

So many to choose from.  I'll go with Forbidden Planet and North by Northwest. Too many times to count. Lol. Good thread. 

High Fidelity

angel heart, altered states, young frankenstein, holy grail, rockers....


there's a lot i can can sucked into pretty quickly, but those are a few that immediately come to mind.



If I ever came across Young Frankenstein or Holy Grail those would be right at the top of my list, but I can't remember the last time I saw either of those on TV.

In the summer I'm up late every night just scrolling around so this comes up quite a bit for me.

I just watched Major League again. I've watched that one many times. Lots of great baseball/fan moments in that one, I always like it. 

I relate to the faithful fans who play the drums in the bleachers. Loyal at the beginning when the team sucks, in tears at the end when the team wins.

Far out.

Apocalypse Now

 Not every time because they are on a lot:

Fast Times

Godfather Part 1

Forrest Gump

Kelly's Heroes



The next tier down would be:

Godfather 2

Saving Private Ryan

Tora! Tora! Tora! / Midway


Animal House

Godfather 1 and 2

Rocky 1,2 and 4 

Remember The Titans (Denzel shoulda won Best Actor ) 

Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan 


Seen all of the above at least 25 probably an embarrassingly higher # than 25 as well if you count watching on DVD. 

repo man

Dog day afternoon....


What country ya wanna go to? Any country....




Fckn love that movie

old Jason and the Argonauts

Up In Smoke (1978)

Popped in my DVD of Cagney's White Heat last night. That & The Public Enemy are 2 more movies I can watch a lot. They're not really on tv much which is why my brother got 'em for me a couple years ago. 

Must add French Connection for the rockerpanel scene alone.


"C'mon Irv! What the hell is that!?"

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

The Royal Tenenbaums

Being  John Malkovich

Being There

The World According To Garp

Big Lebowski

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