My Thoughts on the Republic, June 7th, 2021






     First of all I love each and every one of you without condition and welcome your misguided ridicule, I embrace it and it will be my honor.


     Secondly, I'd like to clarify my remarks from the other day in regards to "regional deadheads"...there's a lyric in a Beatles song about there not being a place you can possibly be that isn't exactly where you're meant to be, so in that context we were all exactly where we were meant to be.

     I'd like to legitimately approach the elephant in the room with a different discussion point:

     Speaking in the absolute theoretical...what if it's true?  I would like to think that whatever side of the fence I was with whatever election I wore out shoe leather over, if somebody put forth irrefutable "smoking gun" evidence that malfeasance stole a presidential election...and I realize that sounds like a Tom Clancy novel, but the point is IF IF IF IF it were the theoretical as to allow for a theoretical discussion, IF IT WERE would you feel about that?  
     I'd like to think if the roles were reversed the Trump supporters would want no part of an ill-gotten gain.





     I know I wouldn't.



     Please discuss...













     Greatest Hits Volume 1

     November 3rd, 2020  -  June 7th, 2021







Still hung up on 2016,bry?

Theres no reason to discuss the theoretical you put forth because its been widely disproven and shot down by 60 courts, rejected by Republican state attorneys general and the lawful outcome  has been ratified by legislatures on both sides of the aisle.


In the words of Wayne Campbell......."Get over it, go out with someone else"

Eh, it don't cost anything to point out the idiocy of Bry and his ilk, and maybe it's necessary.


smiley ( 73guy) on Monday, June 7, 2021 – 07:46 am

Byrens trolling is part of the continuum of lies from the right and I'm suggesting we are here because those lies weren't taken seriously early enough. They were dismissed as so ridiculous, no one would get behind them. 





     Those willing to embrace the findings if and when irrefutable “smoking gun” evidence surfaces from forensic audits proving once and for all the 2020 presidential election was stolen.



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I must have missed the irrefutable smoking gun evidence. 

Cyber Ninja can't count its own toes, let alone election results.



Vlad thanks Traitor Bry for his service

this Russian propaganda thread brought to us

From Bry

With Love 

We've been waiting for this irrefutable smoking gun you promised us for a while now, we can't embrace what you promise but continually fail to deliver. I'm sure Rudy is proud of you tho



Surf, what I said isn't mutually exclusive from what I said. The Wayne Campbell quote was directed at the troll.

I hope Byren is holding his breath for the MyPillow guy to come riding in with smoking gun evidence.

No, it's cool, I was just using your post to support and further my own.
