Metal Guitarist Like Impressing Straight Men


At first I thought this was an onion article, but it turns out to be real...   a real topic to zone on! 


<<New research indicates that straight men who play guitar in extreme metal bands do it to impress other straight men


and I thought it was to get laid...   then again, I think i've only seen one woman at a metal show before, at least I think it was a woman....

LOL LOL LOL nobody knows wtf do do with this thread, LOL LOL LOL here let me get your inner metal manlove fantasy going for ya bro


I'm not impressed.

Ooops sorry you two, straight men only

Hasn't this always been true? 

The ones with no chops buy a loud car.

...what about the ones with over-sized AND loud trucks?

Who has less women in attendance, a metal band or an east coast Phil show? 


My son was in a metal band for a bit. He didn't care for the music but was asked to join. They've since disbanded and he's back to playing bossa nova influenced psychedelicish music and 80's post punk/new wave. 


Blame it on the bossa nova
The dance of love