Mavis L. Wanczyk - 53 ..........


THAT'S A Lotta Coin ! coolcoolcoolcoolcool$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Run For The Hills !



THis morning I heard that BIG winners are supposed to wait a few months before claiming their ticket. In that time, get all their shit in order and be able to run for the hills very cleanly, without long-lost relatives trying to be your best friend.

I think I am related to her, 3rd cousin twice removed.  That's got to be worth a couple of million, at least.  Jon Lovitz voice - Yeah, that's the ticket!

I Like How She Came Forward Within 24 hours ! oh and By the Way She Can BUY ANY Car She Wants  plus a whole Lot More !

Not to Mention all the Charities She Could Help Out !

 Good for her

Obviously clueless by coming forward so soon.

 Good for her <<<

Definitely, I couldn't even imagine all of a sudden having that amount of money.

Obviously clueless by coming forward so soon. <<<


Why she has  private security protection now and can do anything the hell she wants Party down Mavis !