Magazines you would find in the woods during the 70's and 80's






Not sure what woods everyone hung out in??

the mags i used to find in the woods were um,  NSFW. that.

We didn't find magazines in the woods, but we did take mags, like Playboy and Penthouse and later Hustler, and keep them hidden there. Maybe others found our stash?

So you and your friends would hang out in the woods and look at porn together? Like a book club, right? 

I'm pretty sure my son found your magazines in the early '90s, some of you.


...just testing this out here... .

> Like a book club, right?

Yeah, just like that. lol.

You couldn't wait to bust that out, could you, Gravy? lol again.

I assume woods porn has been covered?

Starting with the third post, 73, but don't let that stop you from weighing in.

Esthetically pleasing badge, for sure.

He loved those magazines, and I mean, loved.

>>You couldn't wait to bust that out, could you, Gravy? lol again.

I could've waited, but it seemed appropriate. Like the rhetorical notion of kairos; take your chances when you get them and time it right.



> Esthetically pleasing badge, for sure.

I like the new badge, judit, but the cloth background bugs me, although not enough to photochop it out just yet. (Kairos strikes again?)

When you start playing around with the background, you might consider more than one. Tie-dye, lace, bud, happy Phil behind the badge... lots of lovely choices.

Weird B-grade porn mags, with names I've never seen since, the covers partially eaten by slugs.





You might want to post a warning next time you put up a picture of Ozzy in a tutu wtf 

> When you start playing around with the background

I started with basic black, judit. The ideas you pitched are going to require some thinking and playing around.


It's beautiful, Mike, you know I love a black background. Maybe a little smaller for the next one?


Someone always had a copy of this one, some great discussions sitting around the fire at a keg party back in the woods on a farm in South Jersey ....:)

These are from the year I graduated 1979, I have a bunch stashed away with some old pics ! What an awesome time to be a teenager, So Wonderful !!

Here is my fav...


A lot of us found magazines of all sorts in the woods.

It begs the question, why the fuck were there so many magazines in the woods? 

playboy penthouse dirt bike ....

> why the fuck were there so many magazines in the woods?

Moms knew about under the mattress and the underwear drawer.

Finding magazines in the woods was a rite of passage these snot nosed millenials never got to experience.

Now they just log on to the interwebz and access way better shit. 

Its just paper going home , after all

these millenials (or whatever group) get exposed to sooooo much,  sooo fast.  the woods mags were a good way to ease into things i guess. Now its straight to the extreme fetish videos with a couple clicks.

The other mag that i used to find in random places was Heavy Metal.

field guide...



Tom Green - Live Stand Up - Penthouse Magazine...


Tom Green - Live Stand Up - Before Internet Porn

Whole thing is funny as all hell.

Tom Green - Married Couples & Facebook


Tom Green - Live - Happy Buttons

Enjoy! :)



Mike, those are great sizes! I like them all.

I never ever found any magazines in the woods.  But my grandma lived in a city apartment with an "incinerator" back in the early 70's. That's how much trash was disposed of then.  I think there were even chutes to the basement on the individual floors ??

Anyway the "Superintendent" ran the incinerator and he was a sweaty scary-looking old dude who wore a "Wife-beater" or sleeveless undershirt as his work attire. My Grandma dispatched me to the basement once to ask him to repair something or another. The guy had a huge stack of 'dirty magazines' which he had spared from the inferno. What I actually recall was my first encounter with "National Lampoon" mag, which had photos of naked Women.

That building (2600 Kennedy Blvd.) also had a "Switchboard" on the ground floor, with an "Operator" lady who would plug in patchcords to route telephone calls.

Jersey City or North Bergen?

Bluest -

The place was JC,  not far from St. Peter's College, home of the Ultra-secret Ticketron outlet. That was the one no one knew about, so you could go and score amazing tixx at on-sale time (no lines).  St. somebody, I forget.  Nobody seemed to know that outlet existed, at least around 1980-81 or so.

Is that where Pauly and Christopher took that Russian mobster to wack him, only to have him run off? That was crazy shit 

