Lotta UFOs in the news


Something is out there buzzin around.  

But we can't even figure out what's up with the sightings of guys in jet packs hovering around our airports at 3,000 feet, so I doubt we'll figure out the mystery flying objects that the military has been seeing.

Do you think we wil have "first contact" in the next 20 years?

Not until Warp Drive capabilities are discovered/invented. 

Air Force pilot reported seeing UFOs over the Atlantic every day for years

Did a vehicle come from somewhere out there


Lookin' down from outer space; tryin' to find the human race

They are forced to intervene about the Failed Insurrection 

No. News of this place has reached far and wide. The intergalactic reviews are accurate and disturbing. 

There's a reason UFO's are only seen flying; it's like driving past a horrible wreck, you just have to look.

Must be a spike in Drone sales. If you watch youtube every travel vlogger has one.

I bet we're getting stiffed on royalties by the Galactic Federation of Convenient Plantethoods Paybacks for all the Jerry Springerish entertainment we provide!  


"Politics is the entertainment division of the Military Industrial Complex". Frank Zappa 


(the reports of the UFO's being able to reach the exact targets the military craft were after suggests the abiltiy to read out ???, and would make a great game show on plantet Spoof)

> There's a reason UFO's are only seen flying; it's like driving past a horrible wreck, you just have to look.<

now that is funny (and, alas, probably true)

>>> Did a vehicle come from somewhere out there

Ha ha!  My favorite Zappa song!

Was it round, and did it have a motor?  Or was it some thing diff rent?

This Pentagon report coming this summer will reveal nothing new.




Nothing more than more question marks?‽???  Attached to a covid -19 bill?


Keeping it weird,,,,

It will continue. 







Inca Roads - Pirate's World, Dania, Fla, March 3rd 1973



< it's like driving past a horrible wreck

No shit,,, little help please

Great link, Rrg.

There are no shitty versions of this song, buuuuuuut being the bossy know it all asshole that I am, I can't recommend this one highly enough. From Helsinki 74 - From YCDTOSA vol 2 is da ultimate shit,, part of Franks solo from this show made it's way on to the One Size version. The entire show is just blow you away killer. Do yourself a favor and check on it.

 Inca Roads (Live / Helsinki, Finland / 1974)

Space station flew over my house last night - about 9:35 pm -- man it was cool.

Obama gave an interview recently and explained that when he became president, he asked point blank if there was a lab with alien bodies and crash debris.  He said they told them they had to check into it and the answer came back as "no."   However, he went on to explain:   

"What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there are, there's footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so, you know, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is."

I think that jives with what is supposed to be revealed in the upcoming Pentagon report.

Simply they are real and unexplained. 

Space Station sightings are da shit. We plan our evenings around em

My ex claims to have had a close encounter before I met her, then went gung-ho after retirement and rose to an administrator with these folks:


They be trackin' this stuff...



Harry Reid authored an article in today's New York Times about UFOs and some clandestine projects he helped fund while in the senate. Interesting read (pun intended)



There is some new video that was just released showing one of the objects diving into the ocean and disappearing.


Way down below the ocean
Where I wanna be, she may be (repeat)

Back in the mid 70's,  I had an encounter with a UFO near Hockett Meadows, Mineral King, Sequoia National Forest.  I'd gotten up to piss, and a very large round object with 3 lights on the bottom was cruising towards the large meadow at relatively slow speed, made a bit of a sound like the buzzing of high tension lines.  We were camped (asleep) at a very small lake not far from the meadow, and I went ahead and followed the object after my piss towards said meadow.  Then a feeling of panic struck me, and I ran back to camp, and dove into my sleeping bag.  I'm well known for being an insomniac, but the following morning, my friends couldn't wake me, they had camp broken down before I got up.  

When I got home, I wrote my congressman about what we knew about UFOs, and a few weeks late I got a box full of congressional investigations on the subject...  equivalent to a box full of 20 bibles in terms of volumes of reading materials.

I'd love to know what we really know...  space force the f'k out!!!  


(and I was always of the opinion the Atlantis was likely at the bottom of the Mediterranean , along with many other old cities / towns / farmland, from before the great flood that created it.  Plus, another UFO sighting I had was at a Greek Airport in 75, only i'm pretty sure that was a weather balloon, based on the erratic behavior)

I saw that show on Amazon called  "Flying Objects A States Secrets" they show that video of the thing going just as fast underwater as it was over the water. CrazeBallz

All because our friend Joe Rogan kept pressure on the government to release the truth. 

Octopus's garden