The Lone Warrior


What did the banana say to the lone warrior at the G7 meeting?

"what are you shaking for, she is going to eat me"











may bad, that was supposed to be a dildo joke, not a lone warrior joke

wait it's still a dildo joke after all, never mind 

I remember the time when the Lone Warrior hid in a bunker for 4 days to smoke out democratic cities that are against him. When he emerged he so Forcefully told the governors what a bad job they had done. So in command, he is 

I remember the time that the government had the Lone Warrior cornered only to have him pull out his deferment card from his utility belt. well played warrior, well played 

What about that time he fooled the evangelicals, totally befuddled them with the infamous finishing move "the pussy grab"

and that time he battled the Wuhanman and his Kung-fu virus powers. Eliminated him without a mask 

My money is still on Seaboar in the final showdown