Live Show Alert: Trump Adress To Congress 2/28/17


This should be interesting.  

Set I

Thanks! Already home finishing up work now and we are watching the red carpet arrivals. 

Beer o'clock!

No opening act

Show time 9 PM ET

Band members

Doanald Trump - Lead Bafoon and Vocals



I saw him practicing the speech in the limo. His wife started laughing and looked at the camera when they realized he was on tv and he yelled at the driver.  

No opening act

Show time 9 PM ET

Band members

Donald Trump - Lead Buffoon and Vocals

Mike Pence - ?

Paul Ryan - ?

Eyes glued to the TelePrompTers. 

Sniffy Trump

Nashville and Buffalo going to overtime tied at 4.

Bernie: The murder of anyone is a tragedy, and our hearts go out to all families who lose a loved one to violence. But let’s be clear about what Donald Trump is doing tonight in inviting family members who saw a loved one murdered by an undocumented immigrant. He is stirring up fear and hatred against immigrants and trying to divide our nation. That is his political strategy and we must not allow him to get away with it. Why didn't Trump invite the family of Srinvas Kuchibhotla, the immigrant from India, who was recently shot down in cold blood by a white, native born American? Didn't his life count? Why didn't he invite the families of the black parishioners shot down in a church in South Carolina by racist Dylan Roof? Weren't their lives important? President Trump, any murder is a tragedy. Don't use these tragedies to stir up divisions by race and nationality?

Tax cuts


Ack, he said "unbroken chain"!!!

Pence must be on drugs. He had that smarmy smile on the whole time. Between him and the person speaking I couldn't do it. I tried, I really did, but ended up with the Gilmore Girls.

totally understand, judit. 

it's like a campaign speech, full of empty promises.

I think all of his talking points so far about healthcare are a regurgitation of Obamacare! surreal.

Not good, I heard access to healthcare NOT insurer's can't deny coverage. Access to healthcare across state lines which will lead to what happened in the credit card industry when they relocated to South Dakota, Nevada & Delaware and skirted the usury laws. Clearly where the brightest financial minds are molded! We will get some piece of shit Kentucky or West Virginia high deductible low coverage plan forced down our blue state throats!

I find myself strangely craving cheetos & cheese puffs tonight after watching Trump.