Lites ---Too Soon Gone


I don't know the exact date but I'm pretty sure its next week. For those old time Zoners who remember him it's been a long 5 years. He and I didn't always see eye to eye online, fighting over baseball but we shared a love a love of the game and music and good books.  In person things were also fun at pregame before a show and joking . Hope Ms Lites is well, I miss him and was happy to be able to call him a friend. He is one of a bunch of people who I met on the old zone and was honored to get to know both in 3d and online, they all passed too young. Lets raise a glass to them all but especially Lites at this time  

He was a quality Zoner.  Sad to think about how many we've lost.

Right on. Gone way too soon. 

He could be damn prickly on the black screen and you'd better have your facts straight if you were interacting with him (and even that wasn't always enough) but I always figured he'd be cool to hang with at a ballgame or show.

I had a chance to meet him once, but he was grooving at a Phil show and I didn't want to interrupt his flow.

He probably would have just shrugged and said, "Newberry? Giants fan, whatever."

But still.

On it goes.

Sad to think about how many we've lost


John Fitz, S Harris, Greg, LFL, Gitmo, J Wood come to mind

Today's the day, 5 years gone. Everyday is sad, painful and hard for Lady Lites, and she perseveres. To say that losing your soulmate sucks is like a drop of rain in the ocean.

>>>  Sad to think about how many we've lost

John Fitz, S Harris, Greg, LFL, Gitmo, J Wood come to mind <<<


And even in the last couple of years, Bart, Aerohead, Capt. Budley, Dr. Sac(CrowRAP), Stan (saint of circumstance23)... all except Bart in the Hep C folder and OS.

Love to all.

Fuck Cancer, fuck organ failure, fuck it all.


Damn, I remember when Bluest called me the next morning, then NYCEd. I was setting up camp at a fest, using many tricks that I had learned from the master. Gorgeous morning, shot to shit. Unfuckingbelievable.

Love to Lady Lites, who has soldiered on with a huge hole in her heart and soul.