Lil Ole Band From Texas


Always have been the same three...Gibson, Hill and Beard. Been a fan of them since I was a young lad. I go and see em every time and why stop now. Melborne Fla Nov. 9th.

They are playing a couple of Texas stadium shows with Guns-N-Roses, now that would be a shit kickin, drunk ass good time.

Tres Hombres


At the Cap...wednesday Oct 25

Unfortunately they're playing the theatre here that is second-least conducive to a rip-snortin' good time. I'm still tempted to get some nosebleeds because they fucking rock.

>> Always have been the same three

Well except that time that Billy Gibbons basically worked with a producer to write an album or two that would transition them smoothly into some ultra-sheen, cheesy 80s success, largely without the involvement of Dusty or Frank.. and then remixed older classics to have that same plasticky sound.

Still love the extended dance mix of "Legs," though.