Let's go to war







You go, big guy.

I'll kick in ten bucks toward your  army boots.

I'll sew your patches on your uniform for ya JR.....;)


Don't do it for me. I wouldn't do it for you. 

Let's NOT !

well its 1,2,3...

"conservatives" are fine sending your kids to war....or them poor mexican kids....

Kim is doing nothing different than he ever does. Trump then upped the ante with his rhetoric and war ships. Trump then stated that N Korea is being more aggressive.


Watch Out For That Ivanka BITCH ! She Likes War !

You ever shot a gun Brian k? .22's don't count.  

Yes, and let's send all the young guys who have lots of T to fight in that war - like JR, for example.

Be the first one on your block to have your boy (girl) come home in a box.

Even the mere insinuation of testosterone throws poor Six into a self-conscious fit of insecurity.

You know they have like t patches and whatnot, right buddy?

It's just a matter of time.

jr is like 40 brah.

Watching American Experience

Let's go to Gwar instead!

(((Tom Cruise Missiles)))

Just like the movies, I tell ya.

Cheese bomb.... 

Hey Buck, can you segue this into a Sopranos episode/s?


Your good at that.

If this song doesn't fire you up than nothing will:

Alan Jackson "Remember When"


Over there

Can somebody post a link to that country song about 9/11?

Never forget!

Sorry JR, I didn't mean to sully your thread with a coherent thought, let alone multi-syllabic words.


War? What is it good for?

"War is the health of the State." -- Randolph Bourne


"I'm proud to be an Amurican, where at least I know I can maintain a career based on patriotic posturing while appealing to knee jerk right wingers despite sub optimal talent"

^^^^What song is that from?

The alt version of the one slacker referred to above.

AIG - that's pretty much the soundtrack to Team America.



Freedom costs a buck o five




I predict a hundo by afternoon. 

Hillary should assassinate trump and earn her nickname killary.