Kurt Cobain


Kurt Cobain died 28 years ago today.

Nearly every obituary or writing on his legacy mentions drug.

Nearly none mention the ways that US drugs laws and stigma failed him — pushing him to treatment that didn't work.

The same forces fail others today.


If you are passing through Kurt's hometown of Aberdeen WA, make sure you stop at the Kurt Cobain memorial park on the muddy banks of the Wishkah where the young musician used to sit under the bridge, do drugs, and brood:

Cobain Memorial II.jpg


I was never a fan and I didn't follow the story closely at the time, but my dim recollection is that he took himself out mostly because he had some really serious stomach issues that gave him brutal pain, which lead to much of his drug use. Chronic brutal pain can lead the best of us to some desperate places.

But just like with Jerry, drugs are such a better headline.

Teenage Angst + Hard Drugs - Bad Combo

damn 27 club 


i enjoy nirvana


I will always remember exactly where I was when I heard about his death. I was skiing at Killington, VT and noticed groups of snowboarders bawling their eyes out at the base. I was trying to figure out what it was all about when I overheard someone say that Corbain died. I was a fan of his work but not hard core. It was that moment that I understood how much his muse connected with many.