Joint Rolling


I have always preferred joints. I have & have had many great pipes but I enjoy the social aspects & draw on a good joint.


As a kid (3 or so) I watched my grandfathers roll their own cigarettes. At about 5 I began rolling them for my maternal grandfather. They both smoked Bull Durham that came in little cloth bags with a drawstring. When the bags were empty they would give them to me & my cousins.  We would keep pretty stones & marbles in them. 


At 16 (1966) I started smoked weed & rolled my own but also sometimes used a pipe. As I grew up I mainly smoked joints. I smoked cigarettes from when I was 13 to 18 but they were store bought.


At 32 I went to Federal Prison & was thrown into "The Hole" for failure to cooperate. It was in Terminal Island @ Long Beach. While in there the guards would give us bags of Bugler pipe tobacco & Bugler ungumed  papers. It was a gift fom the company & the guys on "The Yard" did not get any. As I had nothing else I rolled & smoked. When I got out on "The Yard" & people gave me a Winston or a Marlboro I could not taste them. Even with the filter torn off I still could not taste them. I had to have either unfiltered Camels or Lucky Strike. I preferred the Luckys. Mainly on "The Yard" I smoked weed. which I rolled but still have 1 pipe I made in prison. When I was released from prison I threw my cigarettes away from the car as we drove away.


Since them I mostly smoke joints but will smoke a pipe once in a while.


Now my Lady usually rolls them with a machine & they come out perfect. Often we put homemade cigar bands on them telling what strain they are.




Yeah, I prefer joints also. Sept I am usually too lazy and just stuff the bubbler.  How ya doing Crab?

Always love a Crabneesh tale, thanks for that.

I can't do joints anymore. Something about the taste is too strong in my throat. I can't really describe it, but I prefer the pipe all the way. I like taking measured puffs, full flavor, letting it drift and coming back to it. But hey, I won't say no if someone passes me one in a circle during non-coronavirus times with people who look like they value hygiene.


Smoke em if ya got em

Big Steve is unbelievably skilled


good day to you mr crab     I must open that joint case you so graciously provided to evaluate your premise.   Big love big guy

Good morning all. Mr. Mark I would love to see you should you come my way. I have some rolled & we can have a time.  I don't know how lond this lock-down will last & I don't know how much time I have left but I would love to spend some more of it with you.

The same goes for you Joel.

I have a Masters in joint rolling

Minor in basket weaving

My ex wife could roll a joint with one hand driving down the road.  I never got the hang of it.

i can barely roll a joint. always ends up canoeing and turning to shit

Start rolling in the middle, and pull outward. That's 75% of the battle.

I used to be able to roll one handed while driving, but that was a long time ago, when I rolled 7-10 joints a day.

Just reminded me that long ago I rolled a joint on an elevator one handed  while only going up 2 floors

i was experienced 

> My ex wife could roll a joint with one hand driving down the road.

That was even trickier back in the day when there were seeds and stems to be dealt with before the rolling could commence.

I like a nice joint, and I like fresh greens in a glass bowl too. I've always rolled pretty well, and occasionally in difficult circumstances, like in the wind and rain while tripping balls, but the pre-fab cones they sell now are game-changers as far as I'm concerned. Grind it, stuff it, twist the end, and you're ready to blaze.

Hold on a sec, those cones I see kicking around are pre-fab? Is that why they are always so loose?

Zig zag wheat straw papers a long time ago.


Some folks roll their own cones, BK, but a lot of them are pre-fab with the tip built-in. They don't have to be loose though if you know how to pack them.

Another excellent story from the man who is Crabneesh.

He is a Hall of Famer.

First ballot.

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.

Club Bistro are still my go to. I'm not a fan of the filters that the kids are in to these days. If the joint is well rolled, and participants know how to use the one finger hand-off, there's really no need.

Not the best roller, passable usually but not great at it. 

snapin' tubes...I'm a solo smoker usually 

Mickey rolls them for me. 

Jaz, I used to like wheatstraws too. Way way back when. Early 70's.   Now I use the huge Bob Marley hemp papers. I usually roll large joints.

Missing you too Crab. We should do something. And that case is in my pocket and goes everywhere with me. Sounds like Joel still has the original joints that came with it. Shamey finger Joel. Miss you too.

> I'm not a fan of the filters that the kids are in to these days

Neither was I until I discovered that the tip delivers a more uniform hit from start to finish, and keeps loose bits of weed off your lips too.

two types of Zoners in this world...

those that rolled a joint using the rolling paper in the Cheech and Chung album and....


(pic not mine -- we rolled that puppy up)

Ever heard of those that had a little too much in the middle be called "trout joints" ?  Yeah, back in the "old days", a friend who knew how to roll was a friend indeed. 

Thanks for the story, Crabneesh.

I still prefer joints but I like the cones that are currently available. I have familial tremor (shaky hands)  so most of the flower for a traditional joint falls out before I can lick the glue strip. I was never too accomplished at it anyway.

Pin Joint Phyllis was a local lady we went to in the early 80's when Reagan dried up some of the supply. She could make an oz last forever because she could roll the skinniest joints...always $1. 

How many joints are in a lid?

^ apparently like a hundred if Pin Joint Phylilis was around

or one



^ apparently like a hundred if Pin Joint Phylilis was around

lol...possibly a hundred...

pretty sure Phyllis hoarded weed just for the dry spells. She was a black market specialist.

Me too,Mark.  I'll check out the Marley hemps.

The Blanco y Negro papers were great , also.

Crabneesh threads are always interesting reads.


Used to wet the upper right corner on one paper and the lower left corner on another paper and stick the two leaves for the long sequenced fatty.  Doubler.

My days of sharing are over now.

I'll roll two.

One word



used to b the best. Like thin silk   Macs smoke shop in Palo Alto

remember one joint. Maybe Santa Marta ...

pinner.  Smoked it all down in one enormous pull    

I think wheat straw was the standard at first  was that what came with bull Durham?


I prefer joints but use a one hitter when alone, and roll a joint out of the shake that's left from tearing apart buds. I used to be able to roll and drive at the same time, but no longer smoke in the car. I roll cigarette like joints. I prefer joints when in public spaces or shows, and do not carry paraphernalia.

Too Cool to sit with U today my Big Brother. Much Love.heart


light as a bees wing

At home - one-hitter bowl on the bong.

On the road or out in nature - a joint rolled w/ Elements papers.

When discretion is the better part of valor - the small glassy.

grinder vs. scissors...?

>>>> Club Bistro are still my go to


yes. Club Bistro is the preferred paper. all other papers taste like shit.

i've heard people say if you can't roll with non-glue papers, you just can't roll.


>>> grinder vs. scissors...?


what's wrong with your goddamn fingers?



Never been consistent some are great, but I do tend toward pregnant ones when I'm in a hurry. Did come to the rescue of some tourists in a cafe in Amsterdam who had no way to smoke what they bought. 

Grinder - is there even a question?

I too have & use a DNB grinder. I bought it some years ago @ a DNB show in the Sebastopol Community Center.

uh the crystals stick all over you fingers...?


The crystals stick to scissors, too. I like fingers but began to use Greg's grinder, something I made fun of when he used it.

Used to use my fingers when I still played the guitar and had calluses. Had to give up guitar due to wrist problems - only play piano now. Lost the calluses and switched to a grinder. Works great.

I'll use my fingers to bust up a nug for a bowl, but a grinder's the proper tool for a joint.

+1 scissors

Grinder, scissors or fingers.


Necessity is the mother of invention in a joint thread.

I miss the days where the gatefold album cover was a pleasing part of cleaning and then rolling. Every part of that ritual was good. I used to love finding a seed or bit of stem weeks/months later.

I'm kind of surprised you're not swayed by the DNB grinder, Turtle.

Something was definitely lost when we shifted from LPs to CDs, judit, and I'm not talking audio quality.






"cabaret" width is the way to go...



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Rolling papers, blunt wraps may harbor heavy metals, pesticides

Mitchell Colbert

September 2, 2020

The Leafly article:

the SC Labs report pdf: