John Popper is harassing people on Twitter


What the hell? Last I heard about him was in the Ballad of Fat Donna (which I hope someone saved a copy of) when he stole FD's girlfriend and had a baby with her.

stealing fat donna's girl, you can't make this shit up...

lol "@assbot"

omg please st mark, we need you now more than ever

if you can create the ballad of fat john popper, i will send it to him on twitter along with all the love the zone has to offer

i wont stop until he posts my house on twitter

Big careful, the dude is a gun nut.  He was once pulled over in Eastern Washington and the cops found a secret pull out compartment in the bed of his truck loaded with enough guns and ammo to arm a town the size of Abilene.

He posted a picture of the house and address for this guy. What's hilarious is that the house is less than a block from me. This is pretty interesting. 

You guys should put a "John Popper Is A No-Talent Hack" sign in big letters on your neighbor's property facing toward the sky, have him Google Earth it, and post that to Pop-In-Fresh's twitter feed.

>> You guys should put a "John Popper Is A No-Talent Hack" sign in big letters on your neighbor's property facing toward the sky, have him Google Earth it, and post that to Pop-In-Fresh's twitter feed.

If Google Earth had live images we'd have much bigger problems than Popper

At least he's not still driving around with a pepper's arsenal in his trunk.

The name Forest Rutherford screams DOUCHE. The guy has a bot that captures the name John Popper than gets all sissy when Popper reacts?  Hopefully poor little rich kid gets knocked out.


((edit)) The Hook?   Apparently we're being trolled.


That's fucked up!

Dude's a lunatic.

Have you been around to drop in yet, Langer?

yes, im curious to know if you have popped in yet, langer