John Bolton New Head of NSA


If I were doing the Security Council today, I'd have one permanent member, the United States, because that's the real reflection of the distribution of power in the world. All international laws are invalid, meaningless attempts to constrict American power.

John Bolton

There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

John Bolton

I think the International Criminal Court could be a threat to American security interests, because the prosecutor of the court has enormous discretion in going after war crimes.

John Bolton

Our biggest national security crisis is Barack Obama

John Bolton

Obama sees America as another country on the UN role call. Somewhere between Albania and Zimbabwe.

John Bolton

I wouldn't give up on Russia, and with oil at $90 a barrel, they can refurbish their strategic capabilities and under an authoritarian regime, those nuclear weapons are still there and in the wrong hands we might have a problem again.

John Bolton

Probably hid the last one from Trump

Wonder if it has something to do with this?



What could possibly go wrong? 

New war within 3-6 months.

That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody is Above the Law" rallies around the country, in the event they are needed. 

Use the map or search below by ZIP code to find an event near you, or create one if none exists. 

Rallies will begin just hours after national events are triggered: 

If actions are triggered BEFORE 2 p.m. local time —> events will begin @ 5 p.m. local time.

If actions are triggered AFTER 2 p.m. local time —> events will begin @ noon local time the following day.

This is the general plan—please confirm details on your event page, as individual hosts may tailor their events to their local plan.

Seems like another rational voice for the echo chamber.

Generals for Neo-Cons.

Seems fair.


I know your trying your best Slack.

Pro Tip:

Put the link along with that.


Thanks in advance.

"triggered" -  oh my 

Bolton is a loony. This could be a bumpy ride. 

Were there any “I won’t vote for Hillary because she’s gonna start more wars” people here?

how am i supposed to feel about this? 

Wacko mustached guy from Fox . After that gig all his earlier qualifiers are moot in my book.

the best fourth tier people 

Gonna be some major dog-wagging soon.

Kudlow and now Bolton? Talk about FOX guarding the henhouse! This is wack

Jeez, super glad we didn't elect that hawk Hillary.

just remember to continue being citizens once Trump is Impeached. (if we make til then)

This is the scariest appointment he's made yet.

We can fight like hell against Zinke and his path of environmental destruction, but Bolton? This shit's serious.

>>>Talk about FOX guarding the henhouse!

That's the only humor I see in this. Great line. 

See ya later. I'll be out back digging my bunker.

Mid term elections, vote all republicans out. !












Big Mac Donald's desired effect is happening. 

Get people talking about the threat of war.

Try to scare the shit out of them.

Change focus of the populous from Russia.


All the Fox pundits are moving into the White House.

They've got to spin shit to their low intelligent cesspool of derp.


Mid term elections, vote all republicans out. !<<<

We should be so lucky to make it to mid term elections without a major war.

It's not so much Bolton that concerns me, he's a known commodity (in terms of his "ideals"); and as bad as what we know about him, it's that Trump has positioned him to essentially be a "domino" to trigger greater obscurification - as a tactic in his line of personal defense against the investigation.

Rod Rosenstein major Cyber Law Enforcement announcement in a few minutes.

10:00 am. EDT




Precursor to cyber crimes/ money laundering that Mueller will be handing down.

Let Fox News go after Iran.

Flushing out Trumps ties to money laundering of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Heavy sanctions on the IRG.

Remember Ivanka's tie to a Azerbaijan Trump Tower that never opened?

That was a year ago.

Incase you didn't...


A Trump hotel project seems to have involved a front for Iran's Revolutionary Guard




when golden shower tape?


Whose a bigger Hawk on Iran than John Bolton?

To the average Fox viewer, this will skew the whole narrative of what's really going on in the Mueller probe.

Bolton doesn't officially become NSA until April 9th.

How far do you have to go to find people smarter than Trump?

Him claiming he will veto the budget bill is a pure headline grab. No fucking way he will veto and shut down government. He wants attention on anything BUT Mueller and the Trumpettes. He will unceremoniously sign the bill tonight at 11:30pm.

Imagine how many other women are out there that are simply too embarrassed to admit they slept with his money clip. LOL.

He signed it already, he was in a rush to hop on a plane for another golf vacation. His veto threat was pandering to his base who freaked when they learned that the new bill included funding for Planned Parenthood.

Doomsday clock on the move

Tick tick tick


The radical Christian extremists are thrilled.

"The political action committee founded by John R. Bolton, President Trump’s incoming national security adviser, was one of the earliest customers of Cambridge Analytica, which it hired specifically to develop psychological profiles of voters with data harvested from tens of millions of Facebook profiles, according to former Cambridge employees and company documents."

If what this guy is saying about Bolton's technocratic prowess is true, he could be a very dangerous person to have in a position that might be able to more effectively orchestrate power grabs.


The only upside to this is that in face-to-face meetings, Bolton's mustache is going to drive Trump out of his mind. 

Imagine his inner monologue while Bolton is talking.

Wish I could take solace in that ... it's just too off in the deep end at this point.

Some reading about his "past":


Bolton's a Tough Guy With a Cause

May 01, 2005|Sonni Efron | Times Staff Writer



WASHINGTON — When John R. Bolton charged into the State Department in 2001 as President Bush's top arms control official, he thought of himself as a loyal Republican soldier on a mission into hostile political territory, according to friends and colleagues.

That assessment became a self-fulfilling prophesy. In the course of the four years Bolton served as an undersecretary of State, he had a succession of ideological and personal clashes with subordinates, colleagues and superiors.

Eventually, Colin L. Powell, secretary of State at the time, ordered his deputy, Richard L. Armitage, to keep tabs on Bolton and prevent him from alienating allies, three current and former State Department officials said. One of the officials said that he was specifically assigned to "mind" Bolton and report back if the undersecretary's activities were creating problems.

"John was a super-frustrated guy, pinioned at the wrists by Rich [Armitage], held down and clubbed regularly by his own people, and generally nullified by the secretary's skills at thwarting him," said one of the former senior officials, a lifelong Republican who said he "despised" Bolton.

Foreign diplomats who have made no secret of their dislike for Bolton said they were told by other State Department officials that they should not assume that Bolton's hard-line pronouncements on issues such as North Korea or Iran represented administration policy. In public, though, Powell and Armitage unfailingly defended Bolton and denied the existence of a rift.

The pent-up bitterness over Bolton's record at the State Department exploded after Bush nominated him to be U.N. ambassador last month, stalling his Senate confirmation hearing and inflaming debate in Washington.

In interviews since the hearing, current and former State Department officials at many levels described an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust spun out of Bolton's zealous policy initiatives and the efforts of others to thwart him.

Many who described personal and policy conflicts, including Bolton's supporters, did so on condition of anonymity because of diplomatic protocol or because of the acute political sensitivity of the situation.

Yet some of Bolton's reported clashes with colleagues and subordinates -- including two ambassadors, three intelligence analysts, a lawyer and at least three senior State Department officials -- are unsurprising given Bolton's assertive style and the political chasm between the hard-line Republicans with whom Bolton was allied and the moderate Republicans at the helm of the State Department.

"For a conservative, the State Department is enemy territory," said Danielle Pletka, vice president of foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, the conservative think tank that is Bolton's alma mater.

"The State Department in a very general sense is manned by Democrats who are hostile to President Bush's agenda, period."

State Department officials vigorously disputed this.

But one, who declined to be named and described his political leanings as Democratic, said he believed Bolton must have felt at least some degree of alienation.

"He's not been in friendly territory for the last four years," the official said.

Question of Reputation

Bolton's nomination to be U.N. ambassador stumbled when a scheduled vote by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was unexpectedly delayed last month after Republican senators voiced reservations. Since then, the Bush administration has battled to secure his approval.

Nevertheless, administration officials have had to grapple with Bolton's reputation among his friends as a blunt truth-teller, and among his foes as an undiplomatic loose cannon. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who has telephoned Democratic and Republican senators to ask for their support, has emphasized in conversations with at least two senators that as U.N. ambassador, Bolton would be strictly scripted by Washington, three Senate sources said.

"We think that we can control him," Rice told one senator, two Senate aides said. "If he strays from the reservation, he's out."

Pat Bagley in tomorrow's SL Tribune. 

Bolton - Bagley.jpg