Jesse Colin Young


Long time favorite of mine, and he's doing a tour.

Thinking about attending in San Rafael on September 24.

Let your light shine.


Lucky one , you are.

Lived up your way in Inverness for years ("Ridgetop"). Before a big fire, I believe. Then moved to Hawaii and grew coffee.


I just got The Youngbloods Elephant Mountain and Jesse Colin Young Song For Juli.

Jessie played the Great South Bay Festival last month out here. 

I'm a fan.

Jessie Collin Young - Darkness Darkness - Great South Bay Music Festival Sunday July 16 2017



Saw him a few times back in '73 and '74, the Ridgetop years.  He had a great band back then, fantastic piano player.

>>fantastic piano player

Scott Lawrence. Saw him "steal" a show in Flagstaff years ago when he also played with Jackson Browne's band on that night. He was great.

"Songbird" was a touchstone album for me in my youth.

First time hearing him on side 1 Song for Juli. 

Good stuff. I have heard smile on yer brother song. 

Youngbloods Elephant Mountain coming up. 

I was reading on the Steve Kimock & Friends CD has "Banana" on rhythm guitar.

Who's real name is Lowell Levine. Lowell is Jessie's guitar player from the Youngbloods and is now on a worldwide tour with Little Steven & the Disciples of Soul through out the year

Great instrumentalist from Northern California area apparently.

We saw Banana play with Peter Rowan & Bro at a potluck memorial 

for Jack Bonus at San Geronimo Community Center. Funny stories and a few jams. 

Lowell Levinger is his name.

Elephant Mtn. is the best Youngbloods record; Somg for Juli and Lightshine are Jesse's best solo efforts, along with the early Soul of a City Boy.

>>>Lowell Levinger is his name.

Good Morning Surfdead - What's a day with out you finding an error some where in my text again?

Where/are you a school teacher, without the creative ability to some how articulate how and why it's so important to have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation on a Grateful Dead fan's web site?

Please stop grading and correcting what I post, when you clearly understand what I wrote. Thank you. I have mentioned this to you a few times.

Well, gee, I'm sorry. Wasn't trying to dis you. I don't even know you, and I've been seeing Lowell since 1970. Just correcting the record for his sake. Nothing personal. I'd expect anyone to do the same for me.

Damn good zoning in this one. 

That's totally cool Surfdead. He's new to me 

I'm very sorry for being halfway illiterate. haha


saw the Youngbloods @ WInterland in mid- 70's-  the Good & Dusty tour - they were very laid back.    Joe Bauer was a great drummer-  RIP

At my first Phil & Friends shows (Baltimore 11/8/99) he played a great version of "Get Together".

The Band: Phil Lesh, John Molo, Warren Haynes (guitar), Derek Trucks (guitar), Rob Barraco (keys)

Darn it, I missed this show last month in Cleveland, OH @ Music Box. I bet it was a goodie though.