Jerry Garcia Cannabis...


I guess it was inevitable...

Introducing a whole new way to experience Garcia. Like his music and art, Jerry’s signature cannabis collection will be spontaneous, revelatory, healing, and anything but ordinary. We cant wait to share this experience with fans next year. Launching Summer 2020! #Jerry2020 Jerry Garcia Cannabis

jerry garcia cannabis.jpg


Sweet, Jesus, Jerry must be rolling in his cheeseburgers. As much as the man liked to smoke herb, I get this feeling that having his name plastered on some gimmicky marketing trick probably wouldn't have been to his liking. Maybe. 

A sign of the times.


Isn't there Garcia wine?

I thought that picture didn't have something right about it, bad vibe.  Right hand middle finger?...  it's just wrong.

Truly disgraceful

HUGE full screen one minute ad between sets at The Capital Theater last night followed by a Trixie Garcia sales pitch.

Starts at the 3 minute mark...


That ad is ridiculous

but at least they correctly have the joint in his left hand...if that above is what is on the website they need to flip the image



Mickey's weed is fantastic. 

Jerry would probably be for legal weed. 

Ties are unnecessary. 

thod will love this. 

Put a fork in it already.


Have known about it for almost 6 weeks, very good family involved in this venture.

Hetty job openings for budtenders at the Garcia Cannabis dispensary.


Was it nurtured with his ashes? If not I'll pass thank you. 

When's the Vitamin pills coming out!?  I might be interested. They can shape them just like Flintstones vitamins of Jerry or better yet Tiger and Wolf!

Jerry Garcia Egg Creams anybody?


Oy Vey!!!!!!!!!


^Jerry Gummies would likely sell well


It should be one of the strains he smoked in the early sixties to chill out on all that acid. 

They should be ashamed.

Nothing has been worse than the ties, and Jerry himself was all-in on that.

If it's a good product then who cares what it's called or who gets rich from it?

It's just marketing. It's the American way.

Are you people un-American???

Trixie get a job and quit pimping your dads name and legacy for your profit!

Ah judgment, it's such a high.

Too bad we can't figure out a way to market THAT. We'd make a mint.

I think the key difference between the ties and the bud is, uh, well, Jerry was alive then, see. And now he's dead. In one case, he chose to say: Yes, I would like to make ties. They had his original artwork on them and really, what could be more subversive than Jerry on a tie, lol.

Now, however, he's dead, ergo, he can't say: Yes, I would like to make ganja.

I know. These distinctions are blurry and hard to grasp at times.


I'm holding out for the signature persian....


  G13 and indy 

Stella Blue Dream? No thanks 

To me the distinction is that the only person who has the right to actually care is Jerry, and he's not here, so who fucking cares???

And in my personally meaningless opinion Jerry wouldn't have cared a whit about this, because if he thought those stupid ties were OK (i.e. mo' money, mo' money) then why would he care about anything else, especially if it was going to help his family?

I'm betting absolutely nothing that he would have said, "Whatever man. Is it good bud? Then far out!"

I'm just saying, let's try to keep our judgment & superiority complex focused on things that actually matter a bit.

But that's just me. 

Jerry Garcia branded weed. Pfffft.

Discover a whole new way to experience Garcia.

Magic and bliss, exploration
and celebration. A simple, free, and
optimistic life.

Being the caretaker for personal estates and licensing is a tricky job. It can be a fine balance. With that in mind, slapping the Garcia name on a line of run of the mill dope, is weak sauce. 

Maybe Trixie and Company have have been reading the Gene Simmons handbook. If a Garcia Casket is next, we'll know for sure.




Pick The Bones Clean 

there were huge signs for this all over the emerald cup.

lance, its gross because a bunch of talentless people are using the name of one of historys greatest musicians to make money.

they offer nothing to society. trixie or the widow koons is not growing this weed. they did not play guitar for the grateful dead or initiate a countercultural revolution. they are just some rando ladies that happened to be in garcias life. they are buying weed from someone who actually knows how to grow it and slapping garcias name on it for nothing else than profit.

nobody in the garcia estate is growing this weed or offering anything at all of utility. just people with nothing to offer using jerry's name for money. thats why it is gross.

using the name in this way makes people think that somehow this weed has a special countercultural pedigree or claim to quality.

id argue that this is corporate weed at its finest, aping the name of a countercultural heavyweight for profit. it is deceptive and misleading. the only weed with a countercultural pedigree is grown by criminals.

other than the garcia signs the cup was ok - not much super good weed. some weed i grew that we had made into vape carts won first place distillate cart tho :-D

do people really buy these celebrity weeds for name recognition alone? do they cost more?

Mickey's prerolls are convenient. I haven't tried other preroll packs because the weed is good enough. 

Someone with an excessively high tolerance might want to smoke bigger joints.

Why are they advertising in NY is rec legal in that state? 

Im guessing venues will hassle you and even confiscate your herb if you didn't buy it there. how you're supposed to buy overpriced beer/drinks at places instead of sneaking in your own 12 pk or whatever. 

Like if the Cap gets the Garcia Cannabis contract.for e.g.

And expect prices to be jacked up..the equivalent of $8-10 beers at ballgames

i would reccomend everyone avoid dispensary pre-rolls unless they like smoking floor sweepings.

Exactly.  They will be 10 $ joints of scraps and leaves. Stepped on and sifted


The headies will be like $100 an 1/8

To echo much of what has already been said here, yes, corp weed largely sucks and celebrity-branded weed probably even more so. The CO-based large scale producer that teamed up with Snoop for his "Leafs" line was scam - same exact weed that was sold under other strain name was marketed in bling-bling packaging and sold for double the price. Sadly, same thing happened with medical and rec weed. Just different colored tags on plants but exact same growing & processing conditions. I too would never recommend pre-rolls as the scraps and stepped on BS typically get used for those...OR, going a bit further, processed goods for that matter. Moldy and nasty crap that could never be sold in raw form was what was used for oils, edibles, concentrates, etc. Gross! Use caution out there and do your best to know your source and their processes as well as possible. Not all are bad but way too many are simply chasing dollars and squeezing every last cent out of whatever material they may have.

Jill has surely been running the numbers all weekend. I'd have to imagine she dying to secure some venture-backed cannabis dollars before the market dries up. 

Reddy Kilowatt 2021.

just another anectodote on pre-rolls - the company i work with would never pass off floor sweepings or moldy buds as good material for pre-rolls.


when you buy prerolls from us, you are getting weed that has possibly been sitting out, exposed to air, so the flavor is heavily degraded, buds that have been smooshed on one side during harvesting/hanging, so that one side gets flattened and the leaves stick to the bud and turn kinda brownish, small buds that are riddled with stems and leaves, etc etc.

nothing unhealthy or gross, but you are getting the bottom of what we have to offer...and this is the best case scenario. there are prob a few companies doing premium prerolls of high grade flower, but unless you are paying big bucks for them, the best case scenario is that you are getting what i described above.

>>> some weed i grew that we had made into vape carts won first place distillate cart tho :-D <<<


This is no different from the wine or spirts marketing. Cabo Wabo tequila, Ryan Reynolds gin, or even Coppala wine is never going to be the best stuff or the best value out there. But yeah there is a market for people who for whatever reason want that.


If it helped pay the bills and they stayed out of his hair Jerry wouldn't give a fuck.  Can I play my guitar? Yes?  Ok.... 

Pre rolls usually suck but so do people... If you're too lazy to roll or pack your own --- joints, carts... --- you get what you get and don't get upset.  Most people smoking pre rolls are happy with what they get.  

I've been making some haymakers lately.  Hemp wrap -- smear crumble on the paper, dump kief onto the crumble, stuff in some nice herbs(cookie glue was my fav from this summer), drop some live resin bits onto top and finish with more kief.  Let it dry.  



>>>>Pre rolls usually suck but so do people... If you're too lazy to roll or pack your own --- joints, carts... --- you get what you get and don't get upset.  Most people smoking pre rolls are happy with what they get.  


I don't grow so I'm not complaining. We enjoy the lazy life. 

Pick The Bones Clean <<

I think we have a song title.