Ivanka's in the WH now


Creepy dad gave her a West Wing office. 

I hope they all go to jail together. 



And Jared Kushner was all like Hmmmmmm....


And Kelly Ann was all like Whaaaaaat?


And Tiffany was all like "Oh hell no bitch!"


And Eric was all What the hell do I have to do to impress my father?



Jared probably has the next Damien Omen child in that bassinet.

Who the hell hit Tiffany with the ugly stick?!




And Donnie Junior was like "I'm Donald Trump Junior - yeah that's right ladies"  wait whaaaaaaat?



Melania who had been sad for a long time.....



Was suddenly very happy

Have fun see you later....

download (1)_7.jpg

hahaha. good work. 

Ivanka is a smug bitch.  

And Bill Clinton said, "I remember that room"148631-bill-clinton-and-ice-cream.jpg

Tiffany resembles "What your child will look like" if one potential parent is an alien.

Tiffany's face is like a cannonball. I bet she was peddling fruit loops before the nose job. 

well played, hoople.

trump family seems like a creepy circus act; how embarrassing.

trudeau looks like he wants out of that photo.


You folks aren't expressing nearly enough hate.  George Orwell is disappointed.

Come on, make me proud.  I know you have it in you.

You folks aren't expressing nearly enough hate.<<

Thom MCing a Trump rally?


She is the Babysitter-of-the-Chief, someone to monitor him as the pressure cooker gets turned up.


I don't hate them, I just wish people hadn't been stupid enough to elect a morally bankrupt moron. 

> Come on, make me proud.

If the Grand Old Party hasn't made you proud yet, Thom, nobody ever will.

Imagine if Hillary had won and done this with Chelsea, wingnuts heads would be exploding.


Jared probably has the next Damien Omen child in that bassinet.<<<



You folks aren't expressing nearly enough hate<<<

Curious how the standard rhetorical responses are selected?

[x] Why all the hate?

[ ]  What about that thing the dems did first?

[ ]  Why don't you also cite examples of Dems doing the same thing?



<<<>>>You folks aren't expressing nearly enough hate.  George Orwell is disappointed.

how's this:


straight from your idol's budget. pure hate. 

thom is trash. 

bump for the trash...

The sad thing is my greatest hope for this administration is Ivanka & Jared bending Trumps ear NOT retard fuckholes Priebus & Bannon. 

> Who the hell hit Tiffany with the ugly stick?!

My guess is Ivanka, and the stick wasn't metaphorical.

And yet, I find Ivanka to be the nastier of the two. I wouldn't do her with Donald's dick.

To be fair to Trump, he's not cutting any particular programs in general, He just wants to cut everything.  Nothing personal and shit, but it's time to slash and burn.

> Who the hell hit Tiffany with the ugly stick?!

A gay make up artist?


Don said that Tiffy has mom's tits, so at least she has that going for her.

#bossbabe - Paris Hilton..


Ivanka is being groomed.

Tiffany strongly resembles a three toed sloth, like the cute DMV clerks in zootopia.