It's happening again


Is there really no Twin Peaks Season 3 thread here on Viva yet?

Beyond being one of the most ground-breaking TV shows ever - It was such a 90's phenomenon that I thought for sure Gen X-ers would be all over it.

I won't say anything crucial so as to avoid spoilers - but I have enjoyed what I have seen so far.

Anyone else watching it?

Whadda' ya' think?

>>>>Beyond being one of the most ground-breaking TV shows ever -


what ground broke?

Well, for one - there was a level of violence (especially in the scenes like when Bob killed Maddie in the Palmer family living room) that had never been close to approached prior on American television.



i didn't watch tv in the 90's.

That's called a "figure of speech", Slacker. 

Why do I even try?

Thought for sure this was another Brian K. thread about the shit-bazooka.

{{{{{shit bazooka}}}}}

My understanding is that the entire eighteen hours of Season 3 is actually an extended advertisement for Transcendental Meditation.

people seem to like it.

that director is "edgy"...

As much as I enjoy Twin Peaks (especially the first season) and most (all) of the films of his that I've seen, I think maybe my favorite thing that I've ever seen David Lynch do was his role as Louis CK's network coach in Louis

"Here's the thing, champ..."

I prefer "The Leftovers ".

"American Gods " on Starz is good too sans the very graphic gay sex scene last episode. 

I agree, JR. I wouldn't say the gay sex scene came out of nowhere, but the graphicness of it sure as hell did.

You guys don't like gay sex? 

It brings back bad memories of jr's pillhead days

The only other scene I've seen like that was on "High Maintenance " which also made me turn away. I live in the middle of the city and most specifically in it's gay epicenter.  I've lived with gays my whole life but still find their sexual practices to be utterly horrifying and revolting. 

Only on Tuesdays, Slack, and the show is on Sunday.

Much of the time your posts are questions, Slacker.

Have you ever considered changing your handle to Sherlock (Knotseau)? 

And that is a great scene, ateix. "You just bought yourself another week."

You still in for Solid Sound?

I just found out that Pharoah Sanders is playing for free in Brooklyn that Saturday with a group called the Brooklyn Raga Massive, playing a tribute to John Coltrane.

Having just a wee bit of a difficult time, here.

I cannot give up on what may be my last chance to see Tom Verlaine. Not even a wee bit. That is what it is for me.

Yeah that's fair. They ripped through Marquee Moon in full at the Paradise about three years ago, it was real good. Wish I had gotten the opportunity to see Richard Lloyd play with them, but it'll be awesome to see them out there. 

Quietly brilliant lineup at SSV. Daniel Bachman in a trio is gonna be the best thing there that's under the radar, in my opinion.

I dunno how often Pharoah Sanders plays out anymore, though. That's some crazy shit right there.

uh yeah go see mr. sanders

Every episode I watch makes it better and better. Nothing else like this on television.

^i've watched the first two episodes and I am disappointed thus far. 

To be fair, twin peaks is the only Lynch project that I have enjoyed. Well that and his work as Gus...





After recently having (re)watched season 1 & 2, Fire Walk With Me (+ 90 min extras), AND the first four episodes of season 3, I have come to the conclusion this is the greatest and strangest series ever. The original seasons 1 & 2 were more eccentric character driven than the movie or season 3, so far. Lynch seems to be meshing all his styles from the last 40 years, with a particular focus on long zen like scenes with staggered dialogue, going back to his Eraserhead (1977) days, as well as using techniques used in Inland Empire (2006) and everything in between. It's interesting to see Lynch in the cgi age, now able to fully realize his vision, without using it as a crutch. The scenes with Kyle Mclaughlin shine brightest, and Lynch himself is amusingly compelling as FBI director.

Whether Lynch really knew he was going to continue Twin Peaks 25 years later, it (hopefully) resolves perhaps the biggest series cliffhanger ever, and still makes everything else look normal by comparison ('American Gods' exempted. 'Legion' is pretty out there too - but they probably wouldn't exist without Lynch or Twin Peaks).

Good stuff and I agree, Mosthigh. Plus - I agree about Legion - and THAT is part of what I was talking about with the ground-breaking. So many shows either would not have existed, or not have existed in the same way, without Twin Peaks preceding it.