It's been hot for 7 weeks now


Actually a lot longer than that.

The dog days of summer has set in now and every ones a/c is working long and hard. All the people who wanted it to "last 1 more year" are paying the price.

Just a quick tip to the folks in zonerland before I go back to work........don't get on the phone and yell at me. You will get put back on the bottom of the list and possible crossed off the list.

Dude man has called me 3 fuckin times today DEMANDING I come over and do a quick and easy job of recharging his boat a/c in the next county over.

We only work on residential systems in Martin County.

Well, the cool breeze came on Tuesday

Everybody's dancing

Did some mowing on the Woods roads last night after dark,  when it was Cool.  Tried today for an hour,  but kinda hot & muggy.  I like the midnight mowing better.

Thank goodness my window A/C still blasts out Cold Air. Mr.  Flashbacks,  keep it Cool.

Too hot to even speak now?

C'mon children...

this shit never stops

Simply Awesome OUT By The Ventura Pier ....................