I’m over it


Not going to respond to anything you post

Hope others do the same but that's their call 

Sigmund is wise. It don't pay.

That's a very positive response to a very negative stimulus.

- Freud (maybe)

Yes over it.

I couldn't say where she's coming from
But I just met a lady named dinah-moe 
She stroll on over, say look here, bum 
I got a forty dollar bill say you can't make me cum 

She made a bet with her sister who's a little dumb 
She could prove it any time all men was scum 
I don't mind that she called me a bum
But I knew right away she was really gonna cum (so I got down to it) 

I whipped off her bloomers and stiffened my thumb and applied rotation on her sugar plum 
I poked and stroked till my wrist got numb 
But I still didn't hear no dinah-moe 

Dinah-moe humm 
Dinah-moe humm 
Dinah-moe humm 
Where this dinah-moe coming from 

Done spent three hours 
An' I ain't got a crumb 
From the dinah-moe, 
From the dinah-moe humm 

I got a spot that gets me hot 
But you ain't been to it 
I got a spot that gets me hot 
But you ain't been to it 

I got a spot that gets me hot 
But you ain't been to it 
I got a spot that gets me hot 
But you ain't been to it 

Cause I can't get into it 
Unless I get out of it 
And I gotta get out of it 
Before I get into it 

Cause I never get into it 
Unless I get out of it 
An' I gotta be out of it 
To get myself into it 

Just get me wasted 
And you're half-way there 
Cause if my mind's tore up 
Then my body don't care 

I rubbed my chinny-chin-chin 
An' said my-my-my 
What sort of thing 
Might this lady get high upon? 

I checked out her sister 
Who was holding the bet 
And wondered what kind of trip 
The young lady was on 
The forty dollar bill didn't matter no more 
When her sister got naked and laid on the floor 

She said dinah-moe might win the bet 
But she could use a little if I wasn't done yet I told her... 
Just because the sun 
Want a place in the sky 

No reason to assume 
I wouldn't give her a try 
So I pulled on her hair 
Got her legs in the air 

And asked if she had any cooties on there 

She was buns-up kneeling
Buns up! 
I was wheeling an dealing 
Wheeling and dealing an  
She surrendered to the feeling 
She sweetly surrendered 
An' she started in to squealing 

Dinah-moe watched from the edge of the bed 
With her lips just a-twitching an' her face gone red 
Some drool rolling down 
From the edge of her chin 
While she spied the condition 
Her sister was in 

She quivered and quaked 
And clutched at herself 
While her sister made a joke 
About her mental health 

Till dinah-moe finally 
Did give in 
But I told her 
All she really needed 
Was some discipline... 

Kiss my aura...
It's real angora 
Would y'all like some more-a? 

Right here on the flora? 
An' how 'bout you, fauna? 
Why want to? 
Mmm...sound like why might be choking on something did you say you want some more? 
Well, here's some more... 

Mmm, sure...listen 
Do you think I could interest you 
In a pair of zircon-encrusted tweezers? mmm...tweezers! 
Here, lemme sterilize 'em... 
Gimme your lighter... 

I couldn't say where she's coming' from 
But I just met a lady named dinah-moe 
She stroll on over, say look here, bum 
I got a forty dollar bill say you can't make me cum 

I whipped off her bloomers and stiffened my thumb an' applied rotation on her sugar plum 
I poked and stroked till my wrist got numb 
An' you know I heard some 

Dinah-moe humm 
Dinah-moe humm 
Dinah-moe humm 
Where this dinah-moe coming from 


Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Frank Zappa


I thought this thread was going to be about the fact that there are now 49,034 Dead cover bands.


and zero in my viewing area. I'm over that.


Op has a message. 

There was another thread, a sort of redundant here we go again does the fool still need to spout this shit spamalicious kind of post that was put up at roughly the same time if not a little before this thread was posted, which I assumed it was referring to...   now out of context of course 

I was thinking an effort to sink that bitch.

Dudes a thread fart sound 

I'll start a new topic before I respond to anything Fake Patriot says.

I'm over it.

"Fake Patriot"? Nothing of the sort, IMNSHO. Absolutely nothing patriotic about it. Just a person with mental issues that has a keyboard, a computer, and a password. And a strong need for attention. 

True enough






Do you vote for manchin or not?












    [[[doxxers and other small man complex mannerisms]]]   





     The funny thing about small men...at an early age they tend towards inflicting pain in any other form than physical confrontation, which brings about a devious nature, which obviously isn't their fault, but it's often their nature...hence the doxxing.


     Doxxers are the scum of the earth...right Turtle?   



     At the end of the day...there are some pretty terrible people who happen to claim an affinity for beautiful music, but they seem to be mostly aficionados of convenient venues.


     Has anyone who ever posted here been to this show?  I doubt it.


     It was a very special day.




     Oh by the way...I seriously doubt anyone posting here went to Kansas on the 4th of July...prove me wrong.











Turtle hit a nerve.










     Attendees of the 4th of July, 1990 Grateful Dead Show in Kansas



     1 Bryen *

     2 ______________________

     3 ______________________

     4 ______________________

     5 ______________________

     6 ______________________

     7 ______________________

     8 ______________________

     9 ______________________

   10 _____________________



     * ...and literally no one else that has ever posted anything on this website 

I saw The Untouchables in Salt Lake City. 






     Kansas on the 4th of July 1990 gets you a beer at the establishment of your choice...I just have a difficult time believing any Biden supporter that's ever posted anything here having actually attended that show, I could be wrong, but I'm not often wrong.





You were there all by yourself, Bry.

The only thing that made that show special was that there was no Jack Straw on the 4th. I do like that Victim > Foolish > Little Light > Scarlet > Fire to open Set II.

I'm going on a limb here, and I'm going to guess that 99%+ of those who toured didn't vote for Trump. I have one old and former friend and Tour pal who is all in on Trump, but he is completely spun and with serious wetbrain. He's a racist, sexist prick who actually thinks that he is Q (like, for real), and the dude spins some of the craziest conspiracy theories I've ever heard. I guess if that's the company you want to be in...

>  Kansas on the 4th of July 1990 gets you a beer at the establishment of your choice...<

I'm thirsty.

and, not really doxxing bry. its just a yes or no question and pertinent to your rap....

i think it could help the community better understand your situation(s)...






We hit Eugene and Shorline before July 4th that year. Kansas was much closer (to Breckenridge), but we chose Shorline>Eugene instead, with a week camping up the coast between. I'd take that over Kansas lol.

I walked from Upstate New York to Oakland for New Years 88. I then walked to Marin, where both Bobby and Phil had to file restraining orders against me. I started walking home, got to Kansas and turned right back around, to go to the Chinese New Years shows. I hid out for the next 2 months in Jerry's briefcase before super gluing myself to the roof of the lighting rig truck, as we headed back East for the Atlanta show and the rest of Spring Tour.





     One time after the Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell & Van Morrison gig in San Jose I did in fact walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and through the "Rainbow Tunnel" going into Marin...super sketchy, I don't recommend it, there's like 2.5 feet of space between the wall and traffic speeding by

You are experienced. 

what's it feel like to get your ass kicked by someone shorter?

you have experience in this area.





     If that ever happens I'll let you know.


     All is not as you've been told Turtle, if you'd like the truth call me anytime...Jen has my phone number.



Pass that popcorn. 


so Bryen and Turtle have met and now Bry is scared his troll game might be over, eh?






Did Bry used to post here under another name, T?

B-wrong comes to mind.


     Nancy...I appreciate your concern, I certainly have love in my heart for all involved, Turtle's friend who shall remain nameless is well aware of that, I'm politely asking Turtle, who again, I have love and respect for, to quit with the constant ________ , I'm sincerely hopeful he will oblige, and perhaps one day we can enjoy a beer together since I stand corrected on the July 4th, 1990 attendance.

     Thank you very much and have a wonderful day.

no, not that i am aware of nancy.

he is real.we have met. he has actually toured.

we used to share a common friend.






     For the record, the last time I saw our common friend we shared a warm embrace and genuinely wished each other the very best.  He's a good person and I wish him well.

that's nice to hear bryen. namaste.