Holiday Giveaway Thread: Week Five


Before I get into this week's giveaway, there's some old business that needs to be addressed. I'm still haven't heard from the winners of Week 3 and Week 4:

Week 3/DP 37: Scott (raelrubes)
Week 4/DP 38: Where Does the Time Go? (LiquidMonkey)

For the final week of this holiday giveaway, I'm giving away my copy of Dave's Picks 39: the Philly Spectrum on April 26, 1983. DP 39 also includes filler from the night before at the Spectrum, and a rare He's Gone > Little Star from the War Memorial Auditorium in Rochester, NY on April 15, 1983.


If you'd like my copy of Dave's Picks 39, pick a number between 1 and 100 and post that number here. The first number posted that's closest to the number I pick without going over my chosen number wins. Make sure you scan the thread before you post to make sure nobody else already took the number you plan to post. Oh, and if you've already won one of these giveaways, feel free to play again. I'll announce the winner of DP 39 on Friday, December 31st, after 5:00 PM PST.

Nice offer Mike. 72

#1 thanks Mike.

Fun stuff - thanks Mike. 91 for me please 

Yea Philly!

>>no spot



Thanks Mike and Happy Holidays to everyone!




thanks mike!

37 this time

68 merry Christmas 



Thanks for some holiday fun!!



Bump for a last chance.


Happy New Year Mike

Thanks for playing everyone. The number I selected was 77. Stringtwang is the winner with his pick of 72. My email is in my profile, Stringtwang; shoot me an email with your mailing info and I'll get this out to you early next week.

Happy New Year, everyone.

Hey Mike, just got vol. 38 yesterday and it sounds fantastic.

is that HCSS from the 7th the greatest version ever, or was it the tiny puff i did (1st one in over a month) that put it over the top?

Happy New Year and thanks again.

Well alright! Thanks so much. 

Package arrived today. Thanks so much. Very generous of you. 

"Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart...."


Stringtwang, are you and your family feeling better? Sure hope so.

Thanks for asking. We finally feel like we're back to full power. My smell and taste came back about four days ago as mysteriously as it disappeared. That was really strange. The fatigue has subsided and everybody is well again. I credit the vaccine for minimizing the effects of the virus and our fitness levels for our ability to rebound. We went for a hike yesterday and saw some of the damage up close. It was very sobering. 

On the fire front, we no longer have to boil water and we are so grateful for the effort put forth by the utility workers. People from districts all across the front range worked 24/7 to restore services. 

Additionally, businesses are being very generous to those who lost everything. It's nice to see the community working together. 

I hope you are doing well. Take care.