Holiday gift giving


First year I'm going with all donations to charities for all my gift giving. ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center and Doctors Without Borders so far. Still have to send a few more "gifts", but looking for a good website where it's easy to donate and where they'll send a card to the honored recipient. Doctors Without Borders has some nice cards and made it easy to add a bunch to the shopping cart before checking out, and SPLC was offering matching donations - and will also send a card. Will do some "shopping" at Planned Parenthood tomorrow, and maybe another charity or two while I'm in the giving spirit. 

any other suggestions for charitable giving this holiday season?  








Do I look like a sucker?!



Welcome back, Timmy!

>>>>any other suggestions for charitable giving this holiday season?  


don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Nancy, before I contribute one cent to any organized "charity" I want to know how much compensation goes to the Board and folks that run it.


I ain't contributing to some CEO's multi million dollar salary.

I hear ya, Mark. 


my parents are getting a donation to the Michael J Fox Parkinson's foundation.


This site helps:

NAACP LDF is a good one for trying to roll back voting rights erosion. 

My 17 y/o daughter asked if we could send supplies to the Pipeline protesters rather than give her gifts.

Engineers Without Borders, modeled after Doctors w/o Borders:


>NAACP LDF is a good one for trying to roll back voting rights erosion. 



Thanks, on it!

Nance, here's my charity of choice.Thanks!

Some more info about giving:


>Positive impact "shopping": in addition to donations in loved ones' names to Standing Rock, Planned Parenthood, NAACP, Southern Poverty Law Center, GLAD, Community Works, your local rape crisis/domestic violence/refugee resettlement program, etc....

And just a reminder, if you feel the need to do on-line shopping: Amazon Smile gives option to pick a charity you'd like to benefit (like WATCH, Community Works, for example), then sign in to your account to continue, but keep in mind it's necessary to enter the site via Smile each time you shop in order to benefit your chosen organization(s).

stubhub not a charity, Hall. nor is it tax deductible.


neither is the Human Fund wink

>It’s time to announce my annual win-a-trip contest, in which I choose a university student to accompany me on a reporting trip looking at global poverty and justice issues. I’m thinking about a 2017 trip to Liberia and Sierra Leone, or perhaps to Bangladesh. Information about how to apply is on my blog,, and thanks in advance to the Center for Global Development in Washington for helping me pick a winner.

The win-a-trip journey is exhausting and may involve bed bugs, rats and the worst food you’ve ever eaten. But it is a chance to help shine a light on important and neglected topics, so if you know students perfect for the trip, encourage them to apply.

I have a gift for everyone on the Zone.  Try and guess what it is.  

Don't start Chris, thanks

My gift is love Bob.  Bob are you a moderator?  If so Love to you for the holiday.  

No chris, thats awesome u want to share love. I just thought you planned on posting something perverted

No Bob simply love to all.  

Bob I was once a majestic bull.  Then one day farmer Ted decided to call it quits.  Now I am simply a steer waiting to be hauled to the feed lot.  There will be no more perverted comments from this Zoner.  No worries for you Bob.  Thanks for your concern however.  Nothing but Love to all Zoners!

So who gets the tax credit?





I thought that the Human Fund episode on Seinfeld put an end to this type of gift.

The Clinton Foundation is right up your alley, among other things

I treat myself.

Gift giving in honor of a designated person is actually very common - especially this year, just ask the over 50,000 people who made a donation to Planned Parenthood in honor of Mike Pence, and yes they sent him a nice acknowledgement.

The gift giver takes a take deduction.


the Clinton foundation is an excellent suggestion.

And don't forget the  Carter Center or Jimmy Carter's favorite charity - Habitat for Humanity.








Seva. They do meaningful work.

Yes, they do! 


this is year though I feel the need to throw more money to the ACLU

>Nancy, before I contribute one cent to any organized "charity" I want to know how much compensation goes to the Board and folks that run it.>

While I would agree, be aware that there are laws that make it so that the compensation taken by Boards/Executive Directors of non-profits can't exceed a certain percentage of income (contributions/grants) received. And most Boards are not compensated at all. Usually all volunteers. Though compensation is typically the largest expense of such organizations, it is mainly due to employees, not the Board.