Help with plant/flower ID


What is this plant/flower? It's growing at my son's house and they don't know what it is, either.

purple stamen hooded_0.jpg

Thanks, Mike. I tried putting the picture into Google images. They came up with a much smaller selection of information and images than you did. I'll pass it on.

 Manly Clitoris is the scientific name

Makes me feel kinda funny........

hey judit,  looks like it's palm sunday again...

the ny botnical garden had an event last year with the giant arum.  it is huge and it is stinky when in bloom, hence the moniker, corpse flower.  it was fascinating to see this giant plant bloom.  link is a time lapse video of the blooming.

After Nearly 80 Years, a Botanical Phenomenon Returns to NYBG

The bloom of our Amorphophallus titanum, known to many as the corpse flower, is a horticultural jewel 10 years in the making. Each day of careful tending and feeding has led up to this moment: a brief yet glorious window in which the enormous plant (up to eight feet high) will unfurl, displaying the striking red interior and uncanny scent to which it owes its name. This is the first time that a blooming titan-arum has been put on display at the Garden since 1939, and this unique plant is unpredictable—it may be in flower for only one or two days.

Whenever this rare plant blooms, it causes a sensation. Maybe it's because it is known for having one of the largest inflorescences in the world, but more likely it's because of the infamous odor it releases during its brief 24–36-hour peak, like the smell of rotting flesh, the reason the plant is more popularly known as the corpse flower.



Amorphophallus, the translation from latin is, stinky penis



Friends have one near the back porch and it smells like dead bodies!

do the small arums also smell badly judit?