The healing power of music


Not news to folks around here but interesting to see it being studied.


Scientists tune into brain to uncover music’s healing power

The challenge: Harnessing music to do more than comfort the sick. Now, moving beyond programs like Georgetown’s, the National Institutes of Health is bringing together musicians, music therapists and neuroscientists to tap into the brain’s circuitry and figure out how.

“The brain is able to compensate for other deficits sometimes by using music to communicate,” said NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, a geneticist who also plays a mean guitar.

So Thom, would you be willing to talk to the administration in DC to get this kind of thing more funding and study at NIH?  

I wonder how NIH made out in the budget bill?  

so what is your excuse?


I'd be willing to, but I certainly have no influence.  Nor am I looking for any.

It's cool, Thom. Just take a page out of Slickrock's book. 

Make a couple of sweet signs, throw on some cargo pants and a bandana, and stand in front of Patagonia.

Be the change.

We need to feed, clothe, house, educate, and generally aid a lot of people before we continue on with this kind of treatment, but it looks way cool. 

Beats Thom’s usual threads about “The deception of the female orgasm”. Although those are always a great laugh.
