Has there ever been a douchier POTUS than Trump?


I'll admit I don't know all 45 very well, but I have to imagine Trump to be the douchiest.

he's definitely the biggest Douche bag to be in the White House in my life time.

of course most presidents haven't had the convenience of say twitter to show off what an utter failure of a human being they are, like trump does daily.

It is kind of amazing that Trump has managed to make GW Bush and Nixon look like decent, almost vaguely competent presidents.

this will make brian k's VJ hurt...

Who's next? 

Ulysses Grant-corrupt as all get out


William Henry Harrison-died one month into his term


Thomas Jefferson-died in debt, and had his slaves (including the mother of some of his children, Sally Hemmings, and said children) sold, instead of granting them their freedom.  His sister stepped up after his death and secured Sally's freedom, though, restoring some dignity to the Jefferson name.



You can't go stealing my line, Jonny. It just doesn't work that way.

Maureen Dowd unloads on Donald Trump with the 'W' word

The New York Times columnist says Trump is way ahead of 'W' in smashing everything



Millard Fillmore always struck me as kind of a dick.

Trump's Bannon-appointed role model, Andrew Jackson, was fairly douchey.

As was Van Buren after Jackson.

>>>You can't go stealing my line, Jonny. It just doesn't work that way.


i do what i want!

Trump's corruption level challenges the Grant admin but without the war hero stuff. 

The new cabinet office, Department of American Innovation, headed by SIL, is a new low. 

He and Ivanka are fucking up my old neighborhood.  She has a four car motorcade to take her from her crib in Tracy Place to the Trump White House© and there have been several cars illegally parked on her street.

The city was notified and their response was to remove the no parking signs.

Large concrete barricades close off the sidewalk causing residents to cross the street to pass.  


How come Truman never makes a president douche bag list. 

This might deserve its own thread, but this is also a good place for it.  If you have some time, read this fascinating New Yorker article about the RIIIIICH family that has been funding Breitbart and Bannon, and who got Bannon and Conway on board with Trump. They are also involved with Citizens United, and Cambridge Ananalytics, which data mines and then uses that info to try to feed you info to sway your politics.  OMFG, these people are extreme.  Read the article, but it is pretty long so here are some highlights:  It is also interesting as it sets forth exactly how big money can and does swing elections now. These people make the Koch brothers look small time and sane.

Robert Mercer sees people as having value based on the money they make. He's very Ayn Rand.  He believes cats are worth more than welfare recipients. He believes that the Civil Rights Act was bad for black people.  He believes that aside from the actual blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the use of nuclear weapons was good for the health of the Japanese (thus using nukes and nuclear accidents are OK). He would dock pay from his domestic staff if they did not throw out shampoo bottles which were 2/3 empty. Oddly enough, Bannon calls them very "middle class" because he didn't start making $135 MILLION a year until his kids were teenagers.  Before that he was just a humble scientist for IBM, living in the leafy suburbs and sending his kids to Stanford.  Because of this humble background, he and his daughter have a real chip on their shoulder about the "political elites".  In fact, they are the reason that term was the centerpiece of this election.  What does it mean when a billionaire who gives millions to Super PACS and gave 10 million to Breitbart and got to choose Bannon and Conway as presidential staff calls other people "elites"?  Anyway, read the article.




That article is very interesting and informative. And scary.

CT, you may have thought to yourself as you read the article that Art Robinson is the person who perpetually runs against Peter DeFazio. I have nothing against sheep, nor Cave Junction, but it's really perfect that he runs a sheep ranch near there. He is a dangerous man.

Yep, more reason to reverse Citizens United decision.

This Mercer guy funds Robinson. Not sure if it was this article or another but I read when he started having a bunch of ads people were all like who the fuck is Art Robinson? Turns out he's some climate denial guy on a sheep ranch who has the ear of a kooky billionaire.

Robinson believes that public school is child abuse and that nuclear material should be sprinkled from planes to make us all healthy.

^ yeah alias...i heard that shit....OR buried in the ocean where it will be "diluted"...

> Yep, more reason to reverse Citizens United decision.

And it's a big reason why Bernie Sanders speaking truth to power is still relevant. The US government has been bought and sold and the people need to take it back.

Back to the thread topic, I always found Reagan to be a douche, even though many thought he was charming.

McKinley was more racisty, but I don't think anyone can out douche trump. 

>>>And it's a big reason why Bernie Sanders speaking truth to power is still relevant. The US government has been bought and sold and the people need to take it back.


how do they do that with just Bernie?  

Wake up to find out that we are the 99%. Pass it on.

James Buchanan takes the prize, but Trump still has 1395 days left to out douche him.  

So, I just read today that Calvin Coolidge used to enjoy buzzing his bodyguards and then hiding from them.  Charming prankster or douchebag?  

Nixon is the two


Trump is the one

Twelfth prez of my lifetime, by far the worst.

Only 46 months left.


Trump "wins".

But he's the only one who took lessons from Roy Cohn, so . . .


>>>>>Robinson believes that public school is child abuse and that nuclear material should be sprinkled from planes to make us all healthy.

He's also the guy who wants you to send him your pee.


For real.



It's urine!.

That pussy won't even throw out the first pitch. Small hands= grip issues?

Tweato bashing eh


