Happy Saturday Morning


After a few days of a cold snap here, today we are looking at highs of 74. We are celebrating my grand daughters birthday today also, happy birthday Rose(mookster) is three. My truck is loaded down with white oak rounds i need to stack in the back yard.

Honestly when is the last time the gop has done anything logical that you can remember, point being they deserve much credit for opposing the healthcare bill and to Ryan for pulling it all together. Gives me a glimmer of hope. (positives)


Any exciting plans today, activities?

Yea, mine will include trying to understand why everyone on the left insists that ObamaCare is such a roaring success.


ObamaCare Is Failing Exactly The Way Critics Said It Would

Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said that this was supposed to be a break-even year for its ObamaCare business. Instead, the company has already lost $200 million, which it expect that to hit $320 million before the year it out. He said the company was abandoning plans to expand into five other states and is reviewing whether to stay in the 15 states where Aetna (AET) current sells ObamaCare plans.

Aetna's announcement follows UnitedHealth Group's (UNH) decision to leave most ObamaCare markets, Humana's (HUM) decision to drop out of some, Blue Cross Blue Shield's announcement that it was quitting the individual market in Minnesota, and the failure of most of the 23 government-created insurance co-ops. And it follows news that insurance companies are putting in for double-digit rate hikes that in some cases top 60%, and news that the Congressional Budget Office has sharply downgraded its long-term enrollment forecast for the exchanges.


It's one thing to cheer the failure of the idiotic Republicans who can't shoot straight. It's quite another to insist that a system that is collapsing under its on weight should be celebrated.

lol, thom's saturday is him trying to figure out why people like the ACA?? hilarious. 

doesnt your wife have some new glory suit for you to waltz around in? maybe some crosses to burn? 

sorry ass excuse for a grown man you are. 

By Manky O'neill (Foghorn) on Friday, March 24, 2017 – 04:09 pm

The only thread i'm starting is the Saturday or sunday morning happy thread.

A Saturday happy thread with politics injected into the mix? Strong work there, Foghorn.

> why everyone on the left insists that ObamaCare is such a roaring success.
> insist that a system that is collapsing under its on weight should be celebrated

Thom, I don't know anyone, Left, Right, or Center, who insists that Obamacare is a roaring success. As for celebrations, I would say that people having medical coverage available is a good thing that Trumpcare would have diminished greatly while providing tax relief to those who need it least: the millionaire and above class. Also, your claim that Obamacare is collapsing under its own weight is greatly exaggerated.


Happy Saturday, freaks.

Happy Saturday Fog and all!! After taking last weekend off as "mom", I need to clean my house and catch up on laundry. Right now it's wake and bake, binge a little "This Is Us" and attempt to motivate... have a great day all!! ✌️

Two soccer games here followed by some work to the rv generator and some minor buffing it out for a trip to the New River next week during the kids spring break.


Also making some bone broth today and planting a bunch of bamboo at the end of the driveway in some galvnized agricultural tubs to keep it from spreading.


Caught Chicano Batman last night.

Great show. Highly reccommend these guys.


Enjoys your Saturday, kids.

ACA is working well ask Mercer Human. Resources Consulting, not exactly a lefty think tank.

Would work even better if red state governors didn't block medicaid expansion that would not only help their citizens but their states bottom line.

Like here in AL Robert Bentley, the love gov, refused to take the fed dollars that would help many citizens.  A real cut off your nose to spite your face move.

Helps that most people are distracted by his affair with a staffer including mile high club on the state plane and his wife of 50 years divorcing him.  His church kicked him out...


Tennessee Williams got nothing on old Bob.

We'll be tilling our cover crops in.

Planting Cole crops:

Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Collard Greens, Purple and Green Cabbage, Spinach and Lettuce.

Garlic we planted in Oct. is looking awesome.

Enjoy your Saturday... Go outside and get dirty!


Happy Saturday Fog.  Im happy about the ACA too.  I think one can be happy about that no? Jeez louise.  No one here ever happy?  just try. its easy

why are you all so fucking obsessed with politics, and the media??


my god man. life is so rich and full, just walk outside...

Why do you think a few posts on a chat board makes one obsessed?

I'm pretty much down to two sites and the other one bans religious and political talk.  

I have started using Twitter more and more for political ranting so maybe Viva will lose that job for my spew.

I mean, I can troll Don the Con, McConnell, Ryan, Sessions, and my state fools directly.

I am actually watching Chapelle on netflix while posting these sweet nothings in Viva's ear.

its just that every time i come onto to this place, its all politico...... meaningless gibberish about the headlines in the news...... thats all VIVA has become.....


no more tulsa chris...... the rare troll beat down. and endless chit chat about the news.... yawn...

Thom, don't you get it? Sure, the Republican voters dislike the ACA because it really needs to be fixed. What they want is better, more coverage and cheaper. Ryan Care didn't deliver.

At some point, they are going to have to admit that the only way to get what people want is to move to single-payer.

Ryan said that the American way is for people to decide if they want insurance and or o pick a plan. His scheme makes it impossible for millions to get a plan if they want it.

The American way should be that people don't have to fret about health-care. Put your tail between your legs, show some civility and accept it.

And have a great Saturday!

 fly eat caca

Word, Jonny. 

Jon, you post on here considerable more than me. Maybe you're the one who needs to go outside. It comes off that you truly think that your wealth of inane posts are "better" than any others. They can hazzn't.

did I do something to you slacker? have a happy Saturday,

You wize, Jonny. You wize. 

bk means caca in fly

Jonny, as I'm typing this, there are 3 political threads out of the current top 20, so I think your claim that politics is all that's being discussed on Viva lately is greatly exaggerated. Yes, politics is very much on people's minds these days and it is a major topic of discussion around here lately, but I think that's understandable given the current state of affairs.

Also, maybe you haven't heard while you're busy frolicking in nature, but the outside is a target of Trump's administration, where a mouthpiece for the oil industry is now the head of the EPA.

In other news, I read your post in the Skull & Roses festie thread, in which you said you were planning to attend. I'll probably be making it down there for Sunday and I'm looking forward to finally meeting you.

My Zoning was assessed as "poor" by a dude who cross-posts from another Board, calls out people who aren't here, and starts threads that he knows will end up as a douche-fest.

Slacker, buddy, if your Zoning is what you think is good, I think I'll stick with mine.

Wealth and a lack of offspring may insulate one from the current conditions, even while others go bankrupt over medical bills or worry about the futures of their children and grandchildren.

We live in a highly political and media-obsessed era--it's the hallmark of our time. Other generations obsessed over religion, capital/labor, colonization and empire, and many other things.

It's not unusual to discuss what's swirling around the zeitgeist; ignoring it would be foolish as the currency is cultural capital.

Jon's fighting the tide the with a teaspoon. Why, why, why?

Do you guys like Flip or Flop? 

Invest in real estate. 

20% down is a fuck ton of pools, amirite?

Stinky in here. Get some fresh air, BOYZZZ !!!!!!

Based on his representations of his situation, Slacker might qualify for a FHA loan with a much lower down payment, which would still be the equivalent of a fuck ton of pools in California.

As for investing, I'm just happy all my bills are current.

I love Flip or Flop, but the new ones seem really fake. I don't buy that they get along that well.

That Flip / Flop couple is fake (no surprise) and they do it on his parent's money. He went crazy with a gun. Some details are left out of reality/shows, Slax.

Enjoy your fresh air; watch the chlorine and acid fumes. Stay mota-vated.


>>I'm just happy all my bills are current.

When I paint my masterpiece...

I actually a greenskeeper. Do you have advice to stay safe fixing ball marks? 

We might look at some pigs today. Is that safe? 

Is driving a car on the weekend safe? 

Should we meet with a retirement investment guy to get our funds in order? 

Zoner saftey meetings in the 805 weekend after next might could get to the bottom of your inquiries, Slax, but I'm not making any promises.

Slacker, I suggest burning a fat one before you commence on any course of action. But whatever you do, don't try teaching the pigs how to dance. None of you will be happy with the results.

> Zoner saftey meetings in the 805 weekend after next

You coming down for S&R, Gravy?

Do you guys buy grass or grow it? Is it more expensive than a record or a round of golf?

>>You coming down for S&R, Gravy?

Like you, I like the look of Sunday the best. I'm not camping or anything so I'll miss most of the 60 hour drum circle.

All CA's can grow a legal 6 now, Slacker. It's Spring; get on it. Fuck the pigs.

> Do you guys buy grass or grow it?

I'm fortunate to have two good friends who grow and run a local medical delivery service, so my needs are well taken care of anymore, and then some.

> I like the look of Sunday the best

Cool. We definitely need to meet up, Gravy. Slacker, aren't you headed down south around this time?

all of you can eat dicks burgers for lunch...... wink

I'd like fries with that burger, Jonny, Extra crispy, please.

I understand she was banging one of the contractors.

Must be fun for him going to work everyday.


However much I want her to be a bimbo, just to meet the stereotype of her looks and where she's from, I get the impression that she's really smart. She really is quite attractive.

Which one is Flip?

Thom i'm sure nobody here thinks ACA is a roaring success, my point was i gave credit to the GOP for going back to the drawing board on this and not just rushing it through, it was a compliment. Come back with a better bill that gets more support and pass it. Honestly i don't recall the GOP ever doing anything logical ever before this and i call this a momentous occasion for celebration..


All right no more of that politics BS in here...


Slacker, what are you doing today?


One could walk out of Dicks with a few burgers literally walking around with a bag of dicks.

Saturday afternoon at the vet. Poor girl tore her nail at the base. Getting her vaccines up to date as well.



attending a wine country wedding 

nice break in the rain 

spring is here!

IMG_2085.JPGJust took this of neighbors tree

Don't tell me what or how to post here jonny.  

Nice pics Ro. Happy spring. 

 Slacker, what are you doing today?


 I just nodded and kept lifting.

Happy Spring everyone !!

i do what i want, JR.

Waiting on my Sis.  Taking her out for a belated (statistically significant) birthday celebration.

We are witnessing Slack's fall from grace. Jesus dude, you really are aspiring to be a middle school girl.

Is that an insult? On a Saturday? What kind of head are you? 

Amazing how Brian k always ends up right in the middle of it.  Like clockwork. 

Of what? One post is hardly the middle of anything!

Amazing how you're always there, trying to stir shit up some more. 

Let it go, B. We're not on the Aggrosteindio supplements you take for your weightlifting. 

Yeah, I'm so aggro.

 Nice backhanded jab there, kiddo.

Slacker had grace from which to fall?

The veggies oozed both grace and dignity.

I miss Slacker's phallic root vegetables.

They were probably deemed too edgy for Viva.

I think they would have paired well with some Georgia O'Keefe paintings.


Hey Fog...:)  Hope your grandaughter had a wonderful 3rd Birthday (((( Happy Birthday Rose ))))  ..:)

I went with my son to big flea market ( Berlin Farmers Market ), lot's of cool old stuff and I need to start moving around more and this was about 3 solid hrs of walking. I came upon an awesome find, it was a hand carved walking stick...it is beautiful !!  I am finally embracing my RA diagnosis and trying get ahead of the pain and stiffness that comes with it. I went there looking for a used small treadmill ( caring for mom it is hard to get out to walk, she has been falling a lot lately )...and we ran into some friends that had one and offered it to me for free...win, win :)

All in all a great day,  it was around 70 degrees here today and we are all feeling Spring fever ~

Looks like rain here today.

Hi Lynn, that stick was indeed meant for you, good find, Speaking of flea markets we vend out at shen valley near Winchester va, they have a huge operation out there, its fun getting out and selling then walking around to buy new stuff we actually need, or just new old stuff we don't need. Nothing better than free, yay!


Slacker, were you asked not to post the veges.

The girl is all bandaged up, and all her shots are up to date.

Has to wear the bandage until Tuesday.



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